Chapter 1- New Threats

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Chapter 1- New Threats

“Good morning beautiful.” I smile as I roll over and kiss Spencer’s little nose. Her eyes flutter open as a small smile plays at her lips. I recall the events of last night, immediately after Tim left, giggling inwardly so Spencer wouldn't get upset about it again.

“Tim invited us to dinner.” I tell Spencer as she comes back into the room.

“I'm so not going and you can't make me.” She pouts, folding her arms over her chest.

“Seriously babe.” I smile as I get up and walk over to her.

“He just saw me naked. Completely naked Ashley. I can't show my face around here anymore.” She shakes her head and I can't help but smile at her.

“It's not that big of a deal, Spence. I promise. Trust me, Tim is gonna act like this day never happened.”

“Ugh.” She groans and flops down onto my couch. “Fine. Is this a royal family dinner or...” She trails off. I chuckle at her cuteness.

“Your parents are invited. I need to call Kyla and see if she and Angel want to come.”

“They’re still fighting?” She questions, raising a brow.

“Not sure if this is a good or bad week for them.” I reply with a shrug. I've learned to deal with the on again off again relationship my sister has with Angel. They break up at least three to four times a month. This only started a year or so ago though, when Eric and some of his group paid us a visit. They came to give us an update on the distribution of the cure. More than fifteen or so states have been cured and are starting to rebuild. We're not sure how things are going to work once the entire United States has been cured though. Will Tim still be the president? Will he be able to handle that responsibility? Could I, as Vice President? Right now, managing the few thousand that we have is easy. There haven’t been any major problems so far, but the entire country? I'm not sure if I could handle that.

Sorry I got off track.

When Eric and a few up his members paid us a visit last year, my sister was apparently a little more than friendly with the then eighteen year old, full grown muscled man that was Eric.

Ugh! I did not just say that.

Anyways, Angel wasn't too happy with Kyla's behavior and they broke up, but quickly got back together and have been doing this little 'I hate you, but I love you’ dance ever since.

“I'll call my mom and let them know.” Spencer says, leaning over to kiss me.

“You're thinking about it again aren't you?” I snap out of my daze and notice my girlfriend staring at me intently.

“No.” I shake my head. “I was just--”

“Lying.” She rolls her eyes. “You big fat liar.” Slapping me on the arm and turning over in the bed, away from me.

“Okay, okay.” I chuckle, spinning her back around. “I was thinking about it, but it was kinda funny you have to admit.”

“No.” She quirks a brow. “It wasn't.”

I stifle a laugh, leaning forward to kiss her on the forehead. “You're adorable, you know that.”

“So I've been told.” She shrugs as I slip a hand under the covers, running it over her naked figure.

“Ashley you know as soon as we start this someone is gonna come in here and get you, so don't tease me.”

“No one's coming. It's Saturday, nothing happens on Saturday.” I tell her as I roll on top of her. Kissing my way from her lips to her ear, I whisper. “Last night was so amazing.” In a sultry tone. I feel her shiver beneath me as I take her ear into my mouth. “I love touching you, kissing you, being inside you.” I add. I can practically feel the Goosebumps all over her body.

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