He turned around and leaned on the desk, regarding me with his eyes. "I think you should go find Florence. But I also think you should keep in mind what Cassidy told us about her. This could all be fake."

"Yes, but that was coming from Cassidy. What if Florence is right? What if Cassidy isn't who she says she is?" I took another long gulp of my drink, but nothing was working. I cursed being a werewolf and not being able to get drunk.

He raised an eyebrow. "What exactly did she say? How are you and her just supposed to die?"

"I don't know. I told you, she barely told me anything."

He was silent for a moment. "If she barely told you anything, and you don't know how this would all happen, why are you letting this get to you? I mean, I like Florence a lot. She's great. Even better when she's not hiding. Definitely better than Cassidy, no offense, but you also have to remember what Cassidy told everyone. She was in a car accident. Damaged her brain so bad she can barely think. Made her so sad she doesn't want to be near people or talk to them. She could be doing all of this because of that." He glanced down at his drink, and he swirled the liquid in the glass.

I sighed. "She said Cassidy isn't who she says she is. What if Cassidy has been lying this whole time? I can't help but feel like I'm missing something huge here, but I have no idea what I could be missing. Something just feels... off."

Finn opened his mouth to respond, but the door opened, and none other than Sapphire strolled in.

I saw her eyes make contact with Finn before she shook her head. She quickly smiled brightly when she saw me, obviously trying to hide the glare she gave him.

"Dante, all your guests are arriving and Mom is mad that she has to greet them. And Isaiah, Dad, and Uncle Alec are all in the kitchen wanting to talk to Finn, but I'm sure I can entertain them for a little while longer." She smiled at Finn, but I saw the smirk underneath it.

Finn groaned, shutting his eyes. "Boo. Boo to the both of you." He chugged down the rest of his glass, and Sapphire struggled to restrain a smile.

"Go have fun with Isaiah. Finn and I are having a great time."

"Fuck that. Isaiah respects no boundaries. Stay with us. Have a drink." Finn reached for an empty glass, holding it out to her.

"No, I'm going to go chat with Isaiah and your father. We're discussing all the things we find so charming about you." Winking at Finn, she turned that mischievous smile to me. "So many things to talk about! If either of you need me, I'll be downstairs in the kitchen. I'll see you later." Turning on her heel, she left, closing the door behind her.

Finn groaned, throwing his head back. "She is impossible, dude. Impossible." Quickly glancing at me, he offered an apologetic smile. "In the best way, of course. No offense to any member of the great Valentino-Lancaster family. Nothing but love and appreciation for all difficulties of you and your sister."

I gave him a flat, unamused stare. "No, please, continue complaining about my sister and I. See where it gets you." I fixed my tie, and slid on my suit jacket.

"Find Florence. Make sure Cassidy isn't around, and if you still believe Cassidy, don't take anything Florence says to heart. That's all I would do."

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