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~Melanie's POV~

Ian is packing up our things as I sit in a chair, waiting to bring my little boy home. I know i was only here for about two days but i have always hated hospitals. I put Noah in a blue onesie to bring him home in.

"All done, ready to go?" Ian asked.

"Yeah we're ready." I say, standing up. Ian walks up to us.

"Ready to go home Noah?" He asked the baby. "Yeah you'll like it better there." Noah flashes a little smile at us; which made me smile also. Ian puts the bag on his shoulder and we leave the room. We check out of the hospital and i get wheeled out to the car by a nurse. Ian opens the car door and places Noah in his car seat. He helps me in the passenger side. The car ride was almost half an hour long, probably because Ian was driving really slowly. Luckily Noah stayed asleep the whole ride. Even I almost fell asleep. i don't even remember pulling into the driveway.

"Well, were home, wake up sleepy" Ian joked.

i flutter my eyes open to see the house. "Ugh finally, what took so long?" I yawned. Ian got out of the car and helped me out. I opened car door and carefully picked up Noah, trying not to wake him up. "Welcome home Noah" I whisper to the baby. I kiss his head.

"Come on, let's go" Ian smiled.

I walked slowly behind Ian, rocking Noah in my arms. Ian walks in first. We were surprised by Kalel, Anthony, and the Smosh Games crew.

"Hey guys" Ian said "what are you doing here?"

"Having a welcome home for the baby duh" Anthony responded.

I slowly walk over to rest of them. Everyone was in awe.

"He's adorable" Mari cheered "looks a lot like you Ian"

"What did you guys name him?" Joven asked.

"His name's Noah" Ian said.

"Yeah and Anthony is his middle name" Anthony bragged.

"Why am I not surprised" Sohinki said.

"Ok now let his godmother hold him" Kalel said as i handed him to her.

"Wait you made Anthony and Kalel the godparents?" Lasercorn asked angrily. "I would have made a much better choice."

"Oh really, then why did they pick us and not you" Anthony argued.

"Shh, Guys don't yell, he's trying to sleep" Ian whispered.

"Well, look at you being all Mr. Dad" Sohinki joked.

"Hey he's getting a little fussy over here." Kalel said. She then hands him over to Ian.

"Wait Ian, stay like that. I have to take a picture it's too cute." Anthony laughed.

All 8... Sorry 9 of us had such an amazing time. They again all brought gifts and all of them were toys except Anthony and Kalel's. There were a lot of clothes; there was even a Pikachu onesie that had a little tail and ears on the hood, so cute. We finally put the baby to bed around 8 so it was just us adults for a while. they left around midnight so Ian and I could finally get some sleep ourselves. We didn't get much though considering Noah woke up around 4 AM.

"Shh, it ok mommy's here, mommy's here" I say picking him up. Ian runs from his room and into mine.

"I'm here. Is he ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I think he needs to be fed. You can go back to bed Ian."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, plus you have Smosh games stuff to film tomorrow and I don't want you to be tired."

"Ok, goodnight guys" he says leaving.

I feel bad Ian has to keep waking up. He's going to be so tired for work. After I fed Noah, I got in bed and went back to sleep instantly.

~Ian's POV~

I get back to my room and fall asleep. Two hours later Noah wakes up, crying again. I quickly get up and go to Melanie's room.

"I'm here again. What's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't know, I already fed him and changed him. God I suck at this." She says.

"No you don't. Were both new at this; we will get better as time goes on. Here let me see him." She places him in my arms. "Now, I want you to go back to bed. I got this all under control."

"No Ian you don't have to"

"Hey you took care of him the first time, now it's my turn."

"Are you sure? You're gonna be really tired."

"Eh the guys will understand."

"Ok" she says getting back to bed.

I leave, letting her get some sleep. I walk out to the living room. After rocking him for a while he finally stopped crying. But he still wasn't asleep. "Hey, you stopped crying" I say to him. "Don't want to sleep huh." His eyes stared back at mine. I smile at the little sparkle in his. "I want you to know that I love you so, so much. And I promise to never leave you guys; because you and your mommy mean the world to me." I kiss his head and he closed his eyes. "Even if she doesn't know it" I whisper to myself. I walk back to Melanie's room and set Noah back in his crib; accidentally waking Mel up.

"Hey you did it." She said stretching.

"Yeah, it took a while but, it was worth it." I say looking down at him.

She gets out of bed and walks over to the crib.

"He's so precious" she whispers.

"Yeah" I smile. "It's weird to think we made that"

"Well not gonna lie, we did a pretty damn good job" We continue to watch him for a while. "Hey Ian" she says.

"Yeah" I say

"Thanks for staying around and helping. Most guys wouldn't do half of what you did."

"That's because I'm not like most guys. Plus i don't want to miss out on the little guy's life. I just really hope i don't screw up."

"Trust me, you won't."

I look up at Melanie's clock. Crap. "Oops, I was supposed to leave ten minutes ago." I say.

"I'm sorry Ian."

"No, it's fine. And if they don't understand, they can go screw. Well you get some sleep and him, make sure he stays asleep."

"Ok, see you later"

"Goodnight" I say hugging her.


I get dressed and quickly leave the house. I got there five minutes before we filmed game bang. Luckily everyone understood on why I was late.

"Hey, how was the first night home" Anthony asked.

I plop down in my chair. "Exhausting" I say. "Not as bad as I thought though."

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