Ashlee Kheenz. Also 19 years old, but 4 months younger than her bandmate. Black wavy hair reached down her shoulder blades cut into layers. She didn't have bangs like the other half of The Royals, her front hair was long and was always clipped back to show off her forehead. Her skin was fairer than Kiera's making her silver orbs stand out. Ashlee, as stated, was known as 'the smart one'. Why? You guessed it, because she was smart. Ashlee considered both girls were smart, but according to most people, they seem to think Ashlee was smarter than the elder.

yeah right. 

The Royals.

The biggest girl band on Earth during that time besides Little Mix. Signed under SYCO company by none other than the man himself, Mr. Simon Cowell, after they lived their lives as two girls singing on Youtube.

It was unbelievable.

"We were just two girls singing some songs that we love," Kiera once said in an interview, "then suddenly we received a call from one of the people of SYCO," the interviewer nodded at her. 

"And we were signed," Ashlee finished for her. Kiera nodded and gave a charming smile. 

"So now you guys are going on tour, right?" Ellen from Ellen Degenerous asked.

"Yeah, we're touring America and all across Europe for our first album, Journey," Ashlee answered, "we really can't wait to see the fans and let them sing with us. The boys said it is the greatest feeling in the world," a dreamy smile was plastered on Ashlee's innocent face.

"Oh yeah, One Direction will be opening for you guys in the tour!" Ellen exclaimed excitedly, the audience were clapping with the same amount of excitement.

"Yes, they will be performing some songs from their Take Me Home album," Kiera said coolly. She nodded at Ellen when she asked if they were going to perform at least one song with the boys.

Then off to the tour they go.

The Royals.

The girl band that was going to bow for the last time on the Journey tour after doing 150 shows all across America and Europe.

"So you guys probably know," Ashlee grinned towards their fans, "we have a tradition when it comes to ending the show." Ashlee could hear their kings and queens, their fandom, scream full blast when she walked out from backstage with four cans of silly strings. She gave two to Kiera and two for herself. 

"Come on, everybody, let's go!" Kiera called out all the people working for the tour from backstage, the crew, the DJs, the stylists, the operators and also One Direction. They called everyone. And every living soul brought at least a can of silly strings with them.

The Royals ran down from the stage and into the crowd, inside the barrier of course, the security strictly ordered them to stay within the barriers, so that they wouldn't get 'trampled by the fans', they didn't like that strategy at all. They loved their fans with all their hearts, because without them, they wouldn't be the girl band they were now.

Still inside the barriers, Kiera and Ashlee split ways and began to violently spray the silly strings towards the fans. The crew followed suit. Everyone was going their own ways and spraying the fans. 

Kiera's white cardigan almost got torn off when a fan accidentally grabbed onto her. The fan immediately apologized and Kiera only gave her a smile and sprayed her with silly strings.

Ashlee ran out of silly strings and got two new cans that were hidden beside some of the barriers. She sprayed the silly string more and grinned from ear to ear whenever the fans would smile and laugh with her.

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