☼ T W E N T Y F O U R ~ J E A L O U S ☼

Start from the beginning

"Yes, it's a fucking ring," Goldie hissed, clearly angry.


"No shit."

Spring and Nightmare glanced at each other and sighed, their lovers weren't getting along at all.

"You better not fuck my boyfriend!", Plush warned Goldie, "I'll cut your mother's vagina up so much she'll need to re-birth all her children!"

"Why would I fuck Nightmare?!", Goldie gasped with surprise.

"Well you were eyeing him up on the way in here!", Plush growled, Spring over hearing. In all honesty, it hurt Spring a lot but Spring had low self-esteem and well...What if he wasn't good

looking enough?

In Spring's eyes, Goldie was gorgeous; he had soft blonde curls, an adolescent-joking mind which Spring found hilarious; beautiful freckles that were dotted all over his body and tanned skin that was natural!

Spring? He was cut and scarred inside and out. He was ugly. He was sarcastic at the worst of times and didn't have a very good sense of humour; no one liked Spring...Apart from Goldie and his brother who related in many things to Spring accept Freddy wasn't scarred as much.

"Goldie, c'mon, stop fighting," Nightmare sighed, "You too Plush."

"But- You saw the way he was looking at you- you- ARE YOU BLIND?!", Plush stuttered angrily, annoyed at Goldie, "LET'S JUST LEAVE."

Nightmare glanced over at the two, "I'm sorry about him, we'll see you another time, sorry this was short."

And with that, Nightmare escorted Plush out in a hurry, the door slamming due to Plush being an angry teen. The two then sat down, sighing in synchronization, how could a man that meant no harm cause so many feelings?

"That went well," Goldie commented sarcastically, glancing at Spring who had his eyes shut tight, "Spring?"

Spring just grunted, seeming unpleased, what did Goldie do? Or say? What happened? Goldie hugged his arm and whimpered, kissing his arm softly, "Spring..."

"Yes?", He mumbled, staring at him, "What's wrong?"

Goldie frowned, "I wanted to ask the same..."

In this moment of time, Spring sat silent and remained like that, hoping that Goldie would change the subject do something that would change anything.

"Spring, can I tell you something? Or...Ask?", Goldie breathed out slowly, resting on his shoulder.

"Of course," Spring then whispered back, audible enough for Goldie to be able to hear it.

"Do you remember Nightmare?", Goldie muttered, staring up at him with large eyes, observing Spring as he thought.

"Don't think so," Spring shrugged, "Why?"

"Well...", Goldie sighed heavily, "I think you two actually dated..."

"Me and him? Pfft, nah. He'd never date me," Spring laughed, making Goldie's eyes narrow.

"What do you mean: "Never date" you? Why would he not want to?", Goldie growled lightly, Spring not catching onto the growling.

All Spring done was pretend to think with a sarcastic hand on his chin, "Well, I don't have exactly the best personality-"

"And Plush does?", Goldie inturrupted.

"Maybe he's into a bit of domination, and anyway, Plush is younger plus he's definitely more attractive and he hasn't been in as many accidents as I have so he doesn't look like a pulp."

"Are you calling yourself ugly?"


"Well for once I can say this-"

"Say what?"

"I'm smarter than you," Goldie huffed, Spring raising an eyebrow, repositioning himself on the sofa.


Goldie sighed, "You know you're fucking attractive. I stare at Nightmare cause I'm jealous and I stare at you because- Well- Maybe I love you and maybe I- I may be jealous of you too," Goldie confessed, "I'm terrible, aren't I?"

Spring perked up slightly, "You...You're jealous of me and Nightmare? But- Why?"

"You know the reasons I love you, you're strong, brave not to mention you've managed to keep sane still and haven't converted to shit like the rest of your family, I don't even know how someone as great as you is smart?! You done that by yourself! I still find trouble in maths with help and you- I don't even know!", Goldie complained, having Spring kiss his nose.

"I'm really not all that-"

"Shut up, you're being dumb. You have a low self-esteem but I actually think your tired eyes are kinda nice and your bruised knees are well- pretty to me. You scarred face is quite hot and your body is my favourite wine," Goldie explained.

"You've been taking up poetry or something, hm?"

"Don't mock me!", Goldie hissed.

"You sound like Plush," Spring grinned, making Goldie cover his mouth and blush.

"I-I'm sorry, that was immature-"

"Because you're all about maturity~", Spring smiled, hugging him.

Goldie let out a strange noise, "H-Hng...", he let out, muffled, "I love you too-"

"So what about Nightmare?"

"He's too pretty, too manly," Goldie blurted out, covering his mouth.

"Go on, tell me...", Spring whispered, shuffling up to him and wrapping a arm around his waist, letting his hand lay on his hip.

"Well...I mean...He's rich, he- When we were younger, before...I can't say- I sound bad!", Goldie whined, covering his face again, shaking his head vigorously.

"Please...I love you...I promise I won't laugh- I'm not one to judge!", Spring pointed out, pulling away the hands that were planted on Goldie's face.

"Well...Before you knew me, I knew you," Goldie mumbled, "Ever since it had broken out that you well, were what people classed as 'insane', I wanted to know why," Goldie sighed.


"I followed you home," Goldie told him, "But that wasn't your home, I found that out when I went there the next day but you were with Nightmare..."

"I'm sorry but, I don't remember...", Spring told him, Goldie putting a finger on his lips to shush Spring.

"Basically, you two were in the garden and I was super jealous and I had no idea why but knowing that you had a friend or- Something more- As he wanted," Goldie growled, gripping Spring's shirt tightly.

"Maybe we did but I don't think so, Plush would've said....", Spring sighed, kissing Goldie's cheek.

"Yeah- I'm tired though," Goldie whined, about to get up but having Spring pull him back down.

"I'll carry you."

"No- You won't be abl-", Goldie gasped when Spring picked him up and ran around with him, "H-HOW?!"

Spring stopped and shrugged, "Father was a bear, I guess that's where I get it from, lucky me."

Goldie just blushed, feeling like he was now submitting to Spring not only in the bedroom but everywhere since the bedroom.

But he liked it.   

Golden Days {Springtrap X Golden Freddy}Where stories live. Discover now