Chapter 10

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Ricky POV (Ohh new POV)

"Fuck off ricky." those words keep replaying in my head how could she love someone like Jc. He was the only reason deliah didn't like me and why she wasn't already mine. He was a problem no,they were a problem. I loved deliah and I was going to get her one way or another.

Deliah POV

Yesterday was a bad day we didn't get anything done we came home and went to bed at like 7 and woke up at 10 the next day I think Jc's bad sleeping habits were rubbing off on me.Jc and I were just sitting on the bed on our laptops. "Did you believe anything Ricky said yesterday be honest." I know that Jc had a past but I would never think that he didn't love me "No of course not I know you love me!" I say throwing my arms around his neck. "I have to go to work in an hour I should get ready you to your coming with I called my manager an she agreed to give you an interview. "Great!" I get ready I really need to go shopping I have nothing to wear that doesn't make me look homeless. I pick out some jeans and a plain tee shirt. "Ready?" I yell "Almost!" Jc yells I walk into the bathroom to see Jc just touching his hair and combing it with his fingers. "Jc just throw a hat on let's go." I just put my hair up in a simple ponytail and we left.

We get to Jc's work it's a good sized building with quite a few windows. We walk in Jc waves to the lady at the front desk and pulls me aside. "Don't be nervous I know your going to be great." "Where do I go?" I ask "Just talk to the lady at the front desk she will tell you." then he runs off "Hi." I say to the lady her name tag says Taylor. "You must be deliah I've head a lot about you mostly from Jc here are the forms you need to fill out and when you done just go to the 3rd door on your left." "Thank you." I sit down and fill out all the forms it doesn't take me to long. I go to the door and knock "Come in." I hear a woman's voice call I walk in "Hi I'm deliah I'm here for the assistant job." I try to say confidently "Ah yes deliah Jc told me about you!" it kinda makes me feel a bit weird that Jc just tells all his coworkers about me but I'm also flattered. "So deliah tell me a bit about your self." "Well I'm from Minnesota and I need a job now that I moved here to LA and...." she cuts me off "Are you a hard worker?" "Yes." "Then your hired!" "What? you barely know me!" "I know but you seem nice and Jc likes you and your the one that's going to be his assistant so that all that really matters." "Thank you soo much." "You don't need any training so just go out there and assist." well I got a job which is mostly just getting coffee for Jc hey I'm getting payed so it's all right with me.


Of corse with my suggestion deliah got the job as my assistant. I have to admit that it will be a bit weird havering my girlfriend working for me but she needed a job and plus now I get to see her even at work. "Hi I'm your assistant deliah call if you need anything." she giggled and walks away "I need something." I yell just as she walks away "What is it?" "It's going to be a long day of shooting do you think you would want to go on your first coffee run?" "Sure what will it be let me go get a notepad first." she goes and get the notepad and takes all of our coffee orders I throw her the keys to the car. "Good luck." I say as I wink at her she leaves and I continue working. My boss came up to me. "I really hope you and that girl work out she's a nice girl Jc don't do something stupid." "Not planing on it!" I had been working here for about a year now even when I was in my "Rough patch." my boss Jayden had seen me go through all of it she once Caught me with a girl in the janitors closet but that's the past. I'm not that person anymore.

Deliah POV

I go to get everyone's coffee orders and it takes a long time to get there because of all the traffic but it takes even longer to wait for all the orders to be done. I got in the car and I get a call from Jc. "Deliah meet me at the hospital now it's not about me but you need to come now." "Umm Jc wait what happened!" He hangs up I get into the car and drive to the nearest hospital the one Jc when to and I see Connor,Jc,and Hannah in tears. "What happened?!?" Then Jc says something I didn't expect "The baby."

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