all of the awards and thensome.

Start from the beginning

Shawn Parker.

He was vaguely familiar with the actor.  Known for a brand new hit TV show, he was popular with the female audience.    Even he had to admit they made an attractive couple and by the way the man was staring at her, like she'd hung the moon and stars...  

He definitely had a thing for her.

That hard ugly emotion settled in his chest at the realization.

"She's beautiful."  Mina said, eyeing him closely.   "-Must be her."


"The one I have to thank for that fun tumble from the other evening."  she said through smiling teeth, while she waved and pointed at a fan with a MARRY ME MINA!!  sign.

She looked amused and full of the kind of bright-eyed fascination matchmakers get when they see a good prospect.

"What's her name?"

"Kelechi Obasi."

"...Your new business partner! -Oh don't look so shocked.  I invest my money too. Therefore, I keep an eye on those investments in business news.  I can't believe it.  The cold-hearted Maximilian Shaw has finally thawed."  she teased.

"...and by the look of it, she has failed to succumb to your substantial,  --she naughtily glanced at his crotch--  charms."

"Her priorities are elsewhere."  he said while frowning, wondering if those priorities included the TV star with his hand gripping possessively around her waist.

The paparazzi were really snapping away.   She was definitely the belle of the ball,  with all that hair, brown skin, natural beauty, and breezy confidence.  He could tell that she was enjoying herself.

It wasn't until they'd actually gotten seated at the tables that she'd finally seen Max.  Shawn had left her at his table with his co-stars to get her a glass of champagne and she scanned the room, enjoying the various fashion statements on display.

She had just caught his eye before he looked away, taking a heavy drought of champagne.  The supermodel Mina was sitting right beside him whispering into his ear.

"Max...She's looking right at you.  Guess I was wrong.  She IS into you!"  Mina husked, as if she were following the play-by-play progress of her favorite will-they-or-won't-they couple on a soap.  

"-Oh, I am definitely gonna be your wing-woman tonight." she said, carefully adjusting his collar and gauging Miss Obesi's reaction.

"....This is priceless." she said, as she noted the woman's vague displeasure at the motion.  "I mean.- What is stopping you two?!"

"In my world, I keep business and my sexlife seperate."

She ignored the implied insult.  "Oh bullshit.  -You're both little scaredy cats.  Whatever grudge or past thing you have, I think you should settle up, swallow your pride and go there.  It is so clear that there is something there."

"I asked her here first, Mina."

She positively cackled at that, nearly spitting out her champagne.  "And she said 'no' because of that super-fine man-candy currently fucking-up her fro?"

He couldn't help but glance over to see what she was talking about, and sure enough, his hand was at the nape of her neck, fingers absently spiraling a tendril there.

It implied a certain past familiarity.  She seemed fine with it, which all but solidified the speculation that they were or had been in the past, lovers.

This wasn't something you did with someone who was just your friend, especially not to a black woman.

The preliminary awards were being given out.  An overly-bubbly pixie was putting on her ditzy blonde character persona and the audience was eating it up with hard laughter, helped on by the champagne.  

She announced the winner.

Future Wave.  Best TV Show, Documentary.  He was a producer, so would have to go up to the stage with everyone else.

Somehow, he was shoved forward at the mic and chosen to speak.

"I'd like to thank the Academy for this prestigious honor..."
 he began.  

"We are in the business of advancing tech.  -Of seeing the world communicate and move in more efficient and environmentally sound ways. We cannot move forward without cooperation-  

He helplessly glanced down at the stunningly gorgeous woman who was currently staring up at him, alongside her date.

-without all of the contributions, discoveries, and great minds the world has to offer.   This country was built in blood; in the sins and disregard of the humanity of those who were not white men.  -And yet, this land was uplifted beyond its ambition by the very people who were historically shunned.   Our strength is in our differences, in the best of everyone being afforded the proper opportunity to contribute, including the STEM fields my business relies upon."  

The audience listened attentively.

There are many who are far beyond me in talent and skill, who slip through the cracks because they do not have the advantages many take for granted.  With the state of our country as it is, we cannot thrive, we cannot advance, we cannot get there unless we get there together as a country; as a world of many colors, orientations, and creeds.  Shutting the door harms the other that would be us, and those of us already here, because we lack the advantage the other would provide.  Don't shut the door.  -Thank you."

He stepped backstage with award in hand.

There, various bundles of expensive swag awaited, including the latest generation of mini-tablets from his own SHAWTech line. 

"Congratulations.  That was a wonderful speech."   

Max turned to see Kelechi,  standing there in all her easy beauty... 

Her date right by her side.

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