Chapter One-Mate

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The tingling sensation starts on the back of my hand and my eyes immediately zero in on my arm, my work quickly forgotten. A smile splits my face as the lines grow from 3 to 8, curves erupt and blots splinter from the back of my hand all the way up my forearm. The flower pattern stretches across my skin like it's always been there. Created by a mysterious nobody, I've gotten these art pieces everyday. I've never failed to take a picture before the night ends. This one though, is possibly the best I've received but I always think that. This nobody could be anywhere. And really, they're not nobody. They are my everything; and I haven't even met them yet.

This ability connects souls. Two halves of one being, seperated by a jelouse, greedy god.
There are many theories as to how this occurred, all the way from witches to Hitler, for those who dont really understand it. Some make slight sense but because of my certain... history, i know that it was in fact an angry god. But whatever it  means, it's a miracle to know you have somebody in the world waiting for you. The ability starts when both souls turn 18. It lets whatever your soul mates write on themselves appear on you, and vies versa. Like an etcher sketch, it resets every night.

Iv never been the softest man. My job calls for the exact opposite. However, I adore the drawings I receive. Even people that really knew me, the real me, wouldn't know that i look forward to them each day.

Pulling me out of my thoughts the intercom on my desk buzzes.

"Mr. Plum your lunch is here. Would you like it now?" my receptionist spoke calmly.

"Yes please. Thank you Sarah." I buzzed through. I started to clear my desk when she entered with my food, yummy pepperoni pizza from my favorite Italian restaurant from across the street. Sarah spoke once more before leaving the room, reminding me of my meeting right after lunch with a friend and client. Sarah has always been a kind soul. She's never too pushy but she still gets the job done. Perhaps that's why I liked her more then the other ones. Most of the time every woman i meet pushes themselves on me, wanting my dominance or money. I'm glad she doesn't.

'Thank you. Why don't you go home early? I'm sure I can manage for the rest of the day." I grant her I was planning on leaving after my meeting anyway.

"Yes sir, thank you. Have a good rest of the day." She excused herself with a nod. It wasn't long before it was quit outside my office.

After my meal, I went to throw my garbage away in the can in the hall way so it wouldn't stink up my office before the cleaners come tonight. I look up at the sound of the elevator ding. The door slid open to reveal my friend, Harry.

"Are you here for the ice cream party or the slip in slide?" I ask.

"Yeah right, like there's anything ever fun to do in this office." He poked, acting serious but I could see the hint of a smile on his face.

I gave him a fake laugh, "very funny, jerk." He let out a laughing and instantly relaxed. "Bitch."

We sat down and began our meeting about the new P.A. to help me at the company. While Sarah does an exemplary job, having her as my P.A. for both my jobs is tough on her. it's my personal requirement to meet with them all. We had scheduled about half the applicants for meetings when it started to get stuffy so I took my jacket off and rolled my sleeves up comfortably.

"Quite the artist you got there, huh?" Harry stated, eyeing my arm.

"Yeah, they do this all the time." I absent mindedly started tracing the patterns I had already memorized.

"Have you ever written anything back?" he inquired, shuffling papers and packing his bag. We were done for the day.

"And say what? 'Hi?' I don't have enough skin to write everything I want to. I don't want to get to know them." I remarked. When he gave me a shocked look, I clarified, "I wouldn't be able to handle that. Knowing them without touching them." I sighed. He wouldn't understand anyway. He found Louis rather quick and they have been happy ever since.

Harry was never a big man but if you put Louis next to him, he was like a giant. I honestly didn't know how they made it work but Louis was happy with him.

After our meeting ended and he was headed home to see his waiting husband, I headed home. I'd never really thought about searching for my soul mate, and never wondered how, or when, for that matter. I guess I always just thought everything would work out eventually. Not to mention the fact they they could be used against me in my underground buisness. I didn't realize how much I wanted them until I talked about them. Even when everybody else found there's, all my friends, family, and I was the only one that was of age and alone. There were even programs to help 18 year olds to find their soul mates. But maybe its better if they stayed clear of me.

After a quite drive home, I walked into my cold, dark apartment, set my stuff down on the counter and went to the kitchen for some type of dinner, which ended up being cereal.

I watched the news for a bit while i thought. Sometimes its good to just think. My hand absentmindedly started tracing the floral design on my left arm. Thus drawing my mind to my mysterious artist. I know they love to draw. I know they are right handed, because i always get drawings on mg left arm. I know they hurt sometimes and i know they have so much caring kindness in their heart, it gives me hope. Hope that maybe they could actually love me. My mind then wonders further, I wonder what they would think if they saw who they were drawing on. The New York mafia boss. With flowers all over my arm. Ha! Would they be scared? Would they run from me? The mere thought thawed and broke my frozen cold heart within seconds

I decided to sleep before i let myself get to deep into my self loathing thoughts.

When I lay down to sleep, I realized how big the bed was and how little of it I really used. I couldn't get the thought out of my head so I just moved to the couch. The depressing thoughts of loneliness swirled around in my head until they finally let darkness cloud my vision, invisible hands pulling me into a sea of unconsciousness.

Edited- enjoy

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