“Kiddo!” Gabriel grinned, walking into the kitchen at a far too early time for a collage student to be up when on break. “Mm, smells great. Whatcha making?” He asked, pulling himself up onto the counter.

“Breakfast.” Castiel mumbles, lifting the lid to check on his eggs and stired them a little, then check on the bacon. “Why are you up so early?”

“What, a man can’t want to spend some time with his brother?”

“No one else does, so I don’t see why you would want to.” Cas mumbles, moving to start making toast so he missed the frown Gabriel got.

“Yeah, well, I’m a bit different than anyone else, incase you haven’t notice.”

“I think everyones noticed, Gabe, even the ones who haven’t met you yet,” Cas grinned, leaning against the wall facing his brother.

“Then my job is done.” Gabe stated with pride, smiling back at Castiel. “You alright, Little Brother? You’re really down lately.”

“You would be too if you were locked away in an attic and babied because you acted your age for once.”  Castiel grumbled, obiviously bitter. It shocked Gaberial, seeing as his younger brother was usually the peacemaker of the family.

“Come on, Castiel, the attic can’t be so bad. Harry Potter lived in one and looked how he turned out!”

“That was a cupboard. Under the stairs. Did you pay attention at all during the movies?” Castiel scoffed, rolling his eyes and turning back to his meal, clearly wanting nothing more to do with someone who didn’t know the simplest thing about Harry Potter.

“Dang, okay, note to self: Harry Potter is a sore subject.” Gabe tried, looking at his youngest sibling for a smile, but got nothing. “Aw, come on Castiel!”

“I’m sorry Gaberiel..” Cas finally said with a heavy sigh, turning back to his brother. “I’m just.. having some issues right now.”

“With what? Let your big bro help. Is someone picking on you? Do I need to whip Lucifers ass again?”

“No well… that would be nice. But that’s not what I was talking about.”

“What were you taling about then?” He demanded.

“Nothing…” Cas muttered. The grin that spread across Gabriels face was pretty obivious what message it sent across-Castiel needed to say no more. By the way the teenagers eyes darted around the room and the pink blush filled in his cheeks, Gabe knew exactly what it was.

“You’re dating someone!”

“Not so loud!” Castiel hissed, neither denying nor confirming his statement, but attempting to avoid it. But as with most people, Gabe didn’t care and pressed on.

“Who is she? What’s her name!” He said, much like an excited child. Castiel watched him, his heart sinking at the female pronoun. He would be a disappointment to Gabriel just as he was to the rest of his family, he knew it when they found out. But at least he had the chance to tell his older brother himself. He thought back through all the things Gabe had done for him. Protected him from both Lucifers and his parents wrath, saved his ass more than once, and made sure he woke the hell up when he started slipping in classes. Gabriel Novak had saved his brothers ass countless times, and all Castiel could hope was that he wouldn’t regret it.

“He. I’m dating a guy, Gabe.” Castiel said, glancing up at his brother before quickly spinning back around to attend to the food cooking on the stove.

“Alright, what’s his name?” Gabe says, not more than a moments pause between the statements.  There wasn’t any change between the boys preivious question and this one besides the gender-no tone change at all.

Bruised: A Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now