3 am (Lambda & North)

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3:00 am

Alaska read the bright red numbers for the fourth time. She had been counting down the hours since she couldn't sleep. It had been five hours ago that she had her AI implanted and four hours since she tried to rest. Tried was the key word, since Lambda was playing around in her mind. He had projected a nightmarish scenario in her head that basically resulted in her awaking in a cold seat and her heart seconds away from exploding out her chest. So now here she was laying awake, staring at the clock that dimly lit up her room.

"3:00 am?" she felt the familiar but still foreign buzzing in the back of her mind that caused her involuntary twitch. Lambda must have finally realized that she was conscious and looking at the clock.

''what an odd time for a human to be up.'' He said mater of factually. She huffed to herself and finally decided to sit up. The Artificial Intelligence made his appearance as well , manifesting himself directly in front of his partner. His light golden and blue glow causing her to raise her lowered head to meet her gaze.

"Dont you need to sleep or somethin'?" she yawned, hoping the answer was what she expected. Lambda tilted his head slightly, he was confused. was Alaska not aware that he was an AI?

"i am an AI. i do not require sleep." he replied." i thought you were aware of this? "he stated ,meaning it as a statement and not a question.

"yeah but it was worth a try." she gazed over onto the barely lit floor to where her black and magenta colored slippers were. She stared at them for a couple of seconds, not to decide if she was going to get up but to actually convince herself that she had the energy to get up. 

''Where are you going?'' Lambda's voice made her jump. She placed her hand on her chest to ease her heart rate. She had honestly forgot that he was there with her. It was somewhat strange to have another person there with her when normally she was in her room alone. Alaska was used to having Agent Montana with her, that is until she went AWOL and was hunted down by the recovery team. She liked Montana although she was whiny and didn't seem to have her head on straight. Which constantly made Alaska question why Kailie was recruited by the Director anyway.

Shaking the thoughts of her late partner out of her mind, Alaska stood up and stretched . She quickly slid on her house shoes and made it into the hallway of the Mother of Invention. Lambda simply shook his head and disappeared , he was very interested to see how his knew partner would act since she was without sleep. He was, however, disappointed in the fact that she seemed to ignore him. He would have to break her from that  and very soon.

Alaska wondered around the empty hallway, looking for the common room. She was hoping that the walk and some warm tea would help her sleep. It's what her mother always recommended and its something that made her miss her mother even more. 

When she arrived, she was surprised to see North sitting at one  of the tables, with his head down and a steaming cup of coffin in his right hand. Maybe he had fallen asleep at the table?  She walked as quietly as possible to the upper cabinet to get the teabags and a mug to make her tea. 

''Jade?'' She turned around to see North looking at her. His tired blue eyes gazing at her. She gave a small smile before returning to making her drink. 

''What are you doing up so late?'' She heard the scraping of the metal chair on the floor which meant that North sat all the way up in his chair.

''I can't sleep.'' Alaska stated taking her cup of hot tea and sitting down with her friend.  north wiped his face and gave her a tired smile after looking her over. Alaska was about to take a sip but she noticed the smile that north was giving her and raised a suspicious eyebrow.

''what?'' she finally gave in to whatever foolishness North was up to. north simply keep his smile going but shifted his position so that he was holding up his head with the palm of his hand and his elbow on the table.

''You look fucked, North.'' She closed her eyes and took a sip of her drink. she could feel the warm liquid ease her mind and body.

''You don't look to bad yourself, handsome.'' north chuckled.

''You're not gonna get me. im too tired to play with you.''

''and what do you think im here for? just hanging out?''

''Yeah. Actually, i thought you were throwin' a party.''

''Very funny. '' north rolled his eyes playfully. he enjoyed talking to Alaska . she was his best female friend and she was easy going. their friendly chatter is what he looks forward to each time that he wakes up.

''but seriously,Jay, why are you up?''

''I told you i can't sleep.''

''Is it because of your AI?''

''What AI?''

''The one they gave you earlier. Lambda?''

''Oh , right.'' She tapped the spoon on the side of her mug. She hated when she was like this. Her memory was horrible . The counselor diagnosed her with mild dementia. Which basically meant that she was gonna continue to forget more things.

''Yeah, he 's the main problem. ''

''Have you tried to pull him?'' north took a sip of his coffee .

''Do what?''

''Pull him. Take him out of your head.''

''No. Why would I do that? Isn't it against the rules or somethin' like that?''

''It might be but what the Director doesn't know won't hurt him.'' North put on a sly smirk. ''Besides York does it all the time with Delta. ''

''I dunno  about that. Have you tried it?''

''Once. Theta was terrified once I put him back in so, I havent done it anymore.''

''I'll think about it.''

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