The Blind Bandit

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A/N: Edited :3

We walk around a small earth kingdom town, there's a few mountains that rise in the distance. We stop at a store where Sokka spots a large exquisite green bag.

"It's pricey, but I really do like it." He muses.
Sokka is holding the bag out to Katara, with Momo on her shoulder, she at him with some concern. Aang sits on the floor, looking somewhat bored and unhappy and I lie next to him with my head on his knee.

"Then you should get it. You deserve something nice." Kat says.

"I do, don't I? But no. It's too expensive, I shouldn't."

"Alright, then don't."

Kat turns and walks out of the shop. Aang gets up, helping me stand with a hand and we follow her. Sokka goes last, looking wistfully back at the bag.

"You know what? I'm gonna get it." He says racing back in. As I shake my head at my brother I spot Toneri leaning against the alleyway wall and sigh. I could still see the phantom Toneri in the swamp and shivered uncomfortably.

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine?" He teased as I reached him and I glared. "Sheesh why so down?0

"It's nothing." I said as I avoided his eyes. It was hard to look at him, it felt like my heart might beat right out of my chest and explode in front of us.

"Well I'm going to be increasing your training regime, you've been getting distracted-"

"I have not." I glared my eyes meeting his in reaction and I froze. His seaglass eyes were piercing and intentionally focused on me, enough to make me flush.

"Really? Not to busy daydreaming of Airbenders and banished princes?" He raised a brow and my mouth fell open. "I mean I understand that's what girls your age think about but-"

"My only interest is protecting Aang and I'll do what ever it takes." I spat. "I will protect my Avatar, something if I recall you couldn't do."

He reacted in an instant, pinning me against the wall by my throat, his green eyes darkening in rage. He snarled at me, as his anger shook through his body.

"Watch your mouth." He snarled. His breath hot on my face as he glowered at me. He released me and I gasped as I hit the dusty ground, glancing to see his retreating back vanish into the sunlight.

I catch up to Katara and Aang who are standing in the street. A man nears with a paper in his hands.

"Psst, psst. Hey, you kids like earthbending? You like throwing rocks? Then check out Master Yu's Earthbending Academy." He hands Aang a flyer with a smile and leaves.

"Look, there's a coupon on the back. The first lesson is free.

"Who knows? This Master Yu could be the earthbending teacher you've been looking for." I add.

I walk with them to the dojo as Aang excitedly enters.  A man, Master Yu, enters and takes Aangs coupon motioning him inside.

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