The Sage Temple

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A/N: Edited :3

"Aang, we got trouble." Katara says concerned looking down as Appa soars through the air.

"Yeah, and its gaining fast!" Sokka yells.

"Fire ball!" I scream as the burning ball of fire soars through the air.

"I'm on it!" Aang yells dodging it.

"We have to get out of Zuko's range before he shoots another hot stinker at us!" Katara shouts.

"Can't you make Appa go any faster?" Sokka asks urgently.

"Yeah, but there's just one little problem." Aang replys looking at the huge blockade ahead.

"That's not good." I grip the satchel in fear.

"If we fly north we can go around the Fire Nation ships and avoid the blockade. It's the only way." Aang suggests.

"There's no time." Katara yells slightly panicked.

"This is exactly why I didn't want you to come. It's too dangerous." Aang says frowning.

"And that's exactly why we're here." I counter.

"Let's run this blockade." Sokka says determination on his face.

"Appa! Yip! Yip!" Aang yells. We all scream as the fireballs come racing towards us. Appa swerves and dips to avoid the flames. A fire ball grazes Appa's back and Katara, Sokka and I beat it out. Appa growls in anger and pain.

"Appa! Are you ok?" Aang asks worried. Appa growls in response.

Each ship launches multiple fireballs into the air. Appa bursts through the clouds. Aang is trying to help Appa avoid the fireball bombardment. In front of us, fireballs shoot through the clouds, smoke trailing behind them.

Appa swerves to miss one on his left

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Appa swerves to miss one on his left. Aang, Katara, Sokka, and I all scream as Appa swerves. Two fireballs collide and explode directly in front of Appa and I gasp. Appa growls and rears up to avoid the combustion. He bucks and I'm thrown from his back. Katara and Sokka scream and reach out for me but I begin to fall and disappear into the clouds below. I hear Aang scream and Appa dives to catch me before I hit the ocean. As I continue to fall, I reach out my hand to grab Sokkas and he pulls me onto the satchel. Appa hits the water and soars back into the air. A large pink fish is thrown up from the ocean and hits Sokka directly in the face. Sokka gasps and falls backwards. The fish bounces off his face to be caught by a chittering Momo. Appa, still close to the surface of the water, swerves back and forth as fireballs land in the ocean. Aang is fully concentrated on avoiding the fireballs. Katara stands and begins shooting strands of water at the fireballs. I stare at my hands feeling useless as even Sokka stands and beats the embers away from us.

A single fireball is shot at Appa and with a determined look on his face, Aang leaps from Appa. He assumes the airbending pose and kicks a burst of air directly into the center of the approaching fireball. The fireball explodes from the inside out as a result of Aang's blast. The fragments form a ring of smoke and debris around Appa of which Appa flies through the center of. Aang loses his balance amidst the flying rubble and is thrown back onto Appa's shoulders. Katara and I grab his arms to steady him and he gives us a thankful smile. Appa flies through the Fire Nation blockade soaring into open water.

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