"Thank you for finding Mr. Duckie, Ms. Carrie!" Benji says proudly. "I am so glad you have Mr. Duckie! I was so happy when I found him and mailed him to your house!" Carrie says happily.

"We filmed Benji getting him back. We gave him back when we gave him his big brother present." Will says and RJ nods, showing Carrie the video.

"Aw, I am so happy you have Mr. Duckie back!" Carrie says with a smile. "I'm in preschool now, Ms. Carrie!" Benji says as he jumps up and down.

"Wow! That's awesome! Do you have a lot of friends?" Carrie asks Benji.

"Yes! I have a lot of friends and I have two teachers!" Benji says as Carrie listens.

Carrie and Benji talk for a few more minutes before Benji wants to play. "Benji, you can go play. Just try to be a little quieter because Coralei is sleeping." Will says as Benji runs over to his dollhouse.

"He is a talker! So happy to see him talking and having lots of friends." Carrie says as she fixes Coralei's blanket.

"He definitely has a lot of friends! Preschool has been great for him." RJ says and Will nods.

While Benji plays, Carrie brings out her folder of things for Benji. "I have found some photos that we have saved of Benji. These survived the fire." Carrie says as she hands the envelope to Will and RJ. Will and RJ open the envelope and look through the photos.

Some of the photos are of Benji with his birth parents, one photo is of the day Benji was born that the hospital takes, a few photos of him in the NICU, and a few photos of Benji as a baby and toddler.

"Benji looks just like his mom." RJ says as a tear falls on his cheek. "Look how little Benji was when he was born. Thank you so much for bringing these, Carrie." Will says.

"My pleasure, I know Benji would want some pictures of himself as a baby. His birth family asked for an update on Benji, and I have sent them one. I didn't send any pictures, just a written update for you guys and Benji's privacy. They are happy with the decision they have made and are relieved that Benji is in the best hands and family for him." Carrie says.

"Maybe someday we will meet the grandparents. But I don't know when. Probably when Benji is way older." Will says.

"That would be great, I think they would love that someday." Carrie says. Carrie, Will and RJ talk about all the positive and negatives about Benji's behavior and other things for almost an hour. Benji plays with his Pokémon and Dobby.

"Benji is like a different child! He is so confident and very social now. When I first met him, he barely talked and was afraid most of the time. I am very thrilled that he is happy and so loved." Carrie says with a big smile.

"We are happy too! Thank you so much for everything." RJ says as he hugs Carrie tightly.

"We are working hard with his PTSD. He is getting so much better with his symptoms and how to manage them." Will says proudly.

"Well, I need to head to my next appointment, they live a little far away." Carrie says as she puts things back in her bag.

"Benji, Ms. Carrie is leaving to go home." RJ says a Benji runs in. "I am so happy I got to see you and talk to you!" Carrie says to Benji.

"I'm so happy to see you, Ms. Carrie." Benji says as he hugs Carrie again. "I am so glad you, Daddy, Papi and Coralei are doing well!" Carrie says.

"Yeah! I wuv Daddy, Papi and Coralei!" Benji says as he smiles at RJ and Will. "Thank you so much for coming over, Carrie. It means a lot." Will says as he hugs Carrie.

"It's my pleasure! I am glad Benji is doing well!" Carrie says as she hugs RJ.

"Thank you so much for everything!" RJ says with a smile. "Of course!" Carrie says.

"Ms. Carrie, can you come to my birthday party! Pwease!" Benji asks Carrie. "When is it?" Carrie asks and Benji looks at Will and RJ.

"His birthday party is November 19th." Will says with a grin. "Sure! I would love to come!" Carrie says and Benji's face lights up.

"Yay!" Benji says as he hugs Carrie again. "I'll see you all at your birthday party!" Carrie says as she hugs Will and RJ again.

"We will see you then!" Will says and RJ smiles. Carrie leaves to go to her next appointment.

Will, RJ, Benji, Dobby and Coralei spent the rest of the day today! :)

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