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So I want to say this . . . I haven't read ALL the sticy stories so if I have something like someone else's you know then I'm sorry but this is all in my mind so I don't know what other people write except for the ones I've read. But thank you for reading and ON WITH THE STORY!
Narrators POV

All of fairytail's members swung their heads into the direction that the female mage would come from giving them a sort of whiplash. When they saw her their mouths dropped open.

*like in the picture*

All of sabertooth roared in cheering shaking the entire brick stadium. Lucy appeared out of the tunnel with a smirk. Fairytail couldn't believe what they were seeing, the girl they thought resembled lucy so much was their dear comrade worse they had to fight her.

"T- that's lucy?" Natsu asked "a- and I have to f-fight her!?"

"Natsu- kun go you'll show her right?" Lissana said

"Lissana! We don't turn on our comrades." Master scolded her

"Well she left us! As a apparent comrade so how are we turning on her if she left us and is no longer a comrade? Hmm?" Lissana retorted with a smirk

"Fine how about This, once a nakama always a nakama." Erza stated with her arms crossed

"Umm natsu Dragneel please come out for your battle with miss heartifillia." Mato said

"Natsu it's your duty to win, go." Erza stated with tears in her eyes

"Fine, only for the sake of fairytail."
Natsu said

"Well well well fairy. How might you be doing I hope your doing well because after this fight you won't be feeling very good." Lucy stated with

"Lucy what are you doing!? Come on come back to fairytail, come back to your family. Lucy please." Natsu pleaded Lucy's lips curled into a cruel smile

"Alright." Lucy said

Natsu plastered a smile on his face

"If you can beat me." Lucy said with a smirk on her face Natsu's smile dropped in .5 seconds he glanced at all her weapons kinda intimidated Erza walked over to Natsu and pat him on the back

"Win and we get lucy back. Don't let us down I'm sorry to say this but your stronger than lucy but NEVER underestimate that mage. Don't lose natsu everyone is counting on you. . . All of us(she glanced at Lissana) more or less." With that Erza went and stood beside master

"Alright I take your challenge." Natsu said then jumped down off the balcony and stood a few meters in front of lucy. All the crowd cheered for natsu then boo'd at lucy saying thin lIke that her the weak fairy, wjat could she do, die!!! Fairy die!!!. She shot them a nasty glare.

"I'm done waiting either you start or I do." Lucy said then proceded to put up 5 fingers counting down.

"5   4    3    2   1" once all fingers had curled back into a fist she pulled out 2 daggers from her back

"Times up fairy." She said then lunged at him and proceeded to hand to hand combat. The truth was lucy hasn't seen her spirits(because she hasn't called them) in 3 years. She wasn't ready to face them and not only that she believed in her self, and that she didn't need anyone else's help. She growled. Natsu threw fire dragons iron fist at her she simply dodged and kicked him in the side sending him flying into a brick wall. He tried to stand she sauntered over and kicked him down again, she smirked and jumped back to allow him to get up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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