Pain beyond belief- the pain of...

172 3 5


Lucy's POV

I walked out of my apartment to go to the guild. I watched as the birds started to fly south for their migration. (north, south? Don't remember. I saw birds migrate while running a mile.) I started to get chills noticing that winters coming.

"It sure was cold I need to get to the guild." I thought to myself and got to the guild because
1. I was close
2. Cold
3. Tired.
I walked in and automatic instinct of when things are thrown at me I well duck. (Not me I go ninja mode and will karate chop a person in the face. And yes that has happened a few times. Oops.) That flying object ended up to be gray. About 15 secanrios ran through my head

1. Natsu and gray were fighting
2. Erza separated gray and natsu fighting
3. There was an all out guild battle
4. Idiots(probably right)
5. Cana Is drunk and she encouraged
(To lazy to write anymore sry)

I didn't understand what was happening so I slowly backed up to the guilds entrance to leave and yes stepping on gray. Slowly ever so slowly backing away. Away from the maniacs and idiots. I made it out side only to trip on a rock and fall flat on my butt.

"Owwwwww. That hurt" I said getting up. I walked home and was thinking to myself and walked right into a tree falling straight on my butt.

"Like AGAIN!!!" I groaned I was getting tired of falling on my butt. What would be the reason for the outburst from the guil-

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed I was falling into the river because of

"Lissana!!" She looked at me and had panic in her eyes

"Oh my I am so sorry!" She exclaimed helping me out of the river.

"L- lis- Lissana?" I was absolutely dumb founded. She just smiled at me

"Yeah what about my name? Actually how do you know it?" She started to look concerned so I quickly flashed her my hand and she calmed down knowing I was a fellow fairy.

"Your famous around fairytail. WAIT you were dead!! How are you here!?" I panicked what if this is a joke or my mind or if I'm seeing ghosts. She explained what happened and we decided to walk to the guild together. I learned more about her about edolas about edolas me. I told her about what had happened since I had come to fairytail and how natsu never listens to me. She told me too act like edolas lucy and I might get him to listen. I became good freinds with Lissana and could not wait to be in the guild with her. I walked into everyone all tired and laying around

"HEY EVERYONE LOOK WHO I FOUND!!!" I yelled out to the guild they all looked up and their eyed got gigantic.

"L-l- Lissana? Mira asked staggering over. She was crying she was hopeful but most of all she was afraid this was all a dream and she was going to never see her again.

"Hi mira-nee what's up!" Lissana just smiled I was almost to tears seeing how happy all of the people of the guild are. Mira bounded over and hugged Lissana pulling her down to the floor crying into her shoulder.

"D- don't e- ever l-eave a-again g-got t-that!?" Mira said as she sobbed into Lissana's shoulder. I was crying I was so happy and all the feels were killing me so I started to leave but Lissana stopped me.

"Come on stay. Thanks for bringing me back." Lissana smiled at me.

"Lusssshhhheeeee! Thank yoy for bringing Lissana back to us." Happy was crying into my chest.

"Aw no problem."

I had the entire guild bounding towards me and I didn't know what was happening. It was sorta like a group hug except for the fact that I was in the center and there was tears everywhere and so many thank yous I was thrown everywhere in to hug shaking hands truses and sooooooooooooooooooooooo many thank yous I was so tired I said your welcome on the stage and left forgetting my original objective. I was walking out and I was stopped by a mysterious man.

"I am philias the Oracle I tell prochecys.
You are destined to hurt everyone you love you cherish you are destined to be the reason they are all killed. Before all this happens you will be surrounded you will be heartbroken and you will be loved by whom you least expect. Take heed to my words you will be the reason they all die!" And with that Philias was gone. I stood there dumbfounded with the wind sweeping through my hair.

"I - I'll hurt them!?" I was crying at this point

"NO PHILIAS COME BACK WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON'T WANT THE HURT THEM! NO WHY ME!?" I was crying. I ran as fast as I could not to my home but to the forest near by and collapsed by the river bank

"N- no I don't want to hurt them not my freinds I cant." I sobbed by the river bank and must've fallen asleep. I woke up and it was 9:00 pm which wasn't necicarilly late just the fact is that when I got there it was 5:00 pm.
I got up with my tear stained cheeks and headed home. It was dark and foggy I stumbled I fell I was bleeding  I was crying all because I knew that was foing to be the reason that they would die they all would "DIE!" I screeched and raced all the rest of the way home. I went in took a bath covered my cuts and slipped in to bed in so much pain.

Pain beyond words- The pain of hurting the ones I love.

Aaaaaaaaaand done. Whew that was major writers block in there. So I starting writing this on Friday so since then I have crawled my way up to 48 reads. Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much I love you guys and to PinkyRissa22 for following me and I started following you. Thank you all so much i love you guys and I hope you enjoyed the Chappie I'm sorry it isn't as long but it's over a thousand and I strive for every Chappie to be like that anyways thank you all so much and I will now rest due to lack of sleep. Anyways go check out pwinny00 for her sticy story I love it and I thank her for the tips I again love all of you and can't wait for the feed back I would really like it!
Anyways... Otaku out

Love, Otaku (._.)

Also tell me what you liked in the comments thank you luv y'all


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