Where'd You Go

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Author's Note: Written for Day 7 of KakaSaku Week 2016. This is a continuation of Chapter 6. Sorry for the feels.

Chapter Title/Inspiration: Where'd You Go by Fort Minor

Prompt: Warmth


Where'd you go?

I miss you so

Seems like it's been forever

That you've been gone


Jonin & Anbu-Age 24

Sakura was awake long before the sun could rise to shed light over Konoha. It was dark out, the chirping of crickets being the only prominent sound as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Sleep hadn't come easily that night, a sense of weariness dragging her down, but she figured a quick shower and jog could fix that.

She leaned against the now locked door, the cool air sending shivers down her spine as her slightly damp skin became exposed to the outside breeze. The chilling sensation, however, was very much welcomed as it awakened her senses.

Setting herself at a light jog, Sakura paced herself through the dimly lit road until she reached the track set out around the village. It became a habit of hers to run at least once a week, mostly to keep up her endurance since working in the hospital took almost all of her time.

She picked up the pace as the track came into sight. It spanned along the walls of the village, the welcoming sights of both trees and training fields as well as homes and shops visible at every turn. The calming colors of the early morning sky painted in grayish blue made some of those places seem as if they were asleep themselves.

She sped up ever so slightly, not bothering to slow at a particularly sharp turn. She didn't stop when she sensed Rock Lee's chakra nearby, no doubt doing some training exercises that would kill most other people, nor did she stop when she came across the old Uchiha compound.

After all this time, it was still here. The surrounding walls cracked and chipped, homes worn down with broken windows only adding to its abandoned appearance.

She continued running, eyes glancing over her surroundings. It was so quiet and empty, the only sound being the morning chirping of the birds.

The peace and joy that surrounded her was short-lived as a masked figure jumped in front of her, crouching down. The porcelain mask he wore indicated that the man was from Anbu and a sick sense of dread overcame her.

His voice was deep and solemn, a hint of impatience present as he addressed her.

"The Hokage requests your presence."

Whatever it was, it wasn't good.


Sakura rushed through the streets of Konoha, determined to get to the hospital as fast as she could.

Someone was in trouble, and it must be serious of Tsunade couldn't handle it herself. Fear coursed through Sakura's veins as the thought of not being able to help at all came to mind.

The notion only made her speed up until she came face to face with the familiar white of the hospital. Not wanting to waste any more time, the pink haired woman barged through the doors of the operating room.

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