Feelings: good. Friendship: sink.

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"How is she doing?" Arlo asked. He and Bellona were in the kitchen getting ready for the kings dinner.

"Well, the herb will make her better." Bellona nodded.

"That's good to hear." He nodded too. They stood quiet. The kitchen, white marble masterpiece, was where Arlo and Bellona usually hung out because most their free time was spent there.

"I heard people usually die within hours." Bellona was proud her mom was getting better.

"Yes. The doctor certainly helped." Arlo said thoughtfully.

"Donovan did..." Bellona almost said to herself. Arlo looked at her.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes I am, why?"

"You seem off." Arlo crossed his arms skeptically.

"Just the stress of my mother being ill-"

"No, like you were worried, but now your fine."

"She wouldn't want me to be panicked about it."

"Yes, but she wouldn't want you dancing and humming around the kitchen."

"Yes she would. I'm happy she feeling better."

"As am I, but-" Arlo stopped. He wanted to try something. He looked her dead in the eyes and kissed her. Bellona's heart stopped. No...you can't do this...She pulled away as he did.

"You are in love with the king aren't you?" Arlo looked hurt.

"What?" Bellona blinked repeatedly.

"You love king Donovan!" He raised his voice barely.

"Well, I-"

"No. He will only hurt you. That's all he knows." He crossed his arms again. Bellona was confused so she just ran out the doors of the kitchen, and out the dining room, but not without bumping into Donovan's mother.

"My dear, where are you running to?" Edith looked at the frazzled girl.

"Better question, what are you running from?" Edith corrected herself.

"My emotions." Bellona said honestly. Edith guided her out to a hall bench. They sat facing each other.

"Whatever for?"

"Arlo thinks I have feelings for king Donovan."

"Do you?" she smirked. Bellona blushed.

"I don't know really..." trailing off, Bellona couldn't look at the smug look she knew was on Edith's face.

"You don't want to hurt Arlo, so then you wont admit to any emotions if there were." Edith nodded in understanding.

"I like Arlo, but he feels for me in a way I can't return." She went on, "Not comfortably."

"So what happened my dear?"

"He kissed me in the kitchen and I guess my body language was clear, so he accused me of liking Donovan."

"Is he right?" Edith leaned in.

Bellona though for a moment. Her friendship could be ruined by her liking of the king, and he couldn't feel the same way...well...he did kiss me...

"Yes." Bellona said confidently.

"Thank goodness!" Edith clapped and put a hand over her heart.

"Whaaa.....?" Bellona was generally confused at the reaction.

"I thought I would waltz right into my grave before hearing that!" The thin woman smiled.

"Does he talk abut me?" Bellona asked.

"All the time. If he isn't, its like a poet without his pen."


"In other words my dear, you are a part of him now."

"What does he say...?"

"About you? He tells me how there's always a sparkle in your eye and that you are a very good worker. He says other things, but I think you want to tell him you love him so he can tell you."
Bellona though a moment. Sure, just tell the notorious King of Hell you love him and so you to can rule like two peas in a pod. She inwardly rolled her eyes. Bellona thanked Edith and went to the library to think.
Once she got there, she paced around but suddenly jumped as she saw a figure. Since it was the afternoon, the sun shone through the big windows. Bellona turned, blinded by the sun until the figure blocked it. Donovan.

"Are you alright? You seem worried." He asked her. He still had his black suit with the green belt, but the shirt and jacket was missing, so it was the vest, belt and pants. Bellona circled him only 45 degrees so she wasn't facing the sun. He turned with her, the red and golden sun touching his face lightly, giving him an angelic look. His jaw was more defined with the shadows, and his cheek bones were more prominent.
"I was just thinking." Bellona shrugged. About how beautiful you look just now.
"I decided to give you tomorrow off to spend time with your mother to help her heal the final way." His face seemed to soften.
"Thank you....I..." she trailed off. When brown eyes met grey. That was the moment. The spark. Bellona had to tell him. Not to scare him off, but to civilly express her affections.
"You...?" Donovan encouraged her to continue. He changed. Before, he would have just sent her off. Now...well....he listened.
"I love you."

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