Playing with fire

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"How was your first encounter?" The boss asked.

"Not horrible, but he asked me to schedule a meeting with some Prince of Ash-something after noon after a meeting with a queen of Aerosmith an-"

"Slow down! You'll pull something. Did he ask you to schedule an afternoon meet with the Prince of Ashward about trade, after his meet with the queen of Arendelle?"

"Why yes! That was it..." Bellona grinned sheepishly.

"I heard it from the other room, and decided to call people over that you'll be meeting with when a schedule is changed however it may." He gestured for her to follow him. They walked down a long hallway and opened a double doors that lead out to a garden. It was trimmed well and trees were of proper shape and distance, and bushes lined a cobblestone path that curved around. Following the path, Bellona noticed a bench under an arch of trees that three people stood beside.

"You must be Bellona." A short woman smiled brightly at her. Bellona saw a bigger man with an impressive beard roll his eyes.

"I'm Markus, pay no mind to that crazy woman." He teased, yet kept a straight face. Bellona approached them and smiled politely.

"We heard about you, how was your first day so far? Like playing with fire?" A thin, young, goofy looking guy grinned.

"I am apart of the council of schedulin-"

"Marcus, that's not a thing."

"Allen, quiet, I'm speaking." Markus dismissed him with a wave of his large hand, "as I was saying, I'm in charge of Evaluating events, so you should firstly come to me when there is plans or a change of plans. Allen is my apprentice."

"And I am Ariana, and I am a messenger, so you should come to me with letters directly from the king, or scheduled plan invitations." She gave another sunny smile, Bellona, as all the woman staff, had her hair up in a tight tight that she felt stuck and couldn't move certain ways.

After arranging plans, Bellona was dismissed to go clear the kings plates. It was just as timely that it was a half hour because the king ate under 30 minutes in silence and peace, then he leaves for an activity, or to do whatever. When Bellona got to the table, she passed Donovan in the hall. He didn't make eye contact, but the silence screamed intensely of power and some sort of distant anger.

She noticed that his dishes were nearly spotless. His napkin was folded crisply by his plate, his silverware lied vertically on the plate, and everything was so neat. Bellona put the dishes on the tray and wheeled into the kitchen.

"Hey! You must be new!" A voice came from behind a wine rack. Bellona grabbed a rolling pin and crept around.

"Ah!" She exclaimed as she dropped the pin. She was face to face with a man dressed as a baker, so he probably worked in the kitchen.

"So sorry to scare you, I'm Arlo." He gave a charming smile. He had brown curly hair and blue eyes.

"Bellona." She held out her hand. Arlo shook it.

"Nice to meet you. I was just making cookies for the king, want to taste test?" Arlo walked over to the stove and pulled out a batch that was being warmed.

"Sure, we'll see if it compares to mine." Bellona took a cookie and bit into it.

"Does it pass your criticism?"

"I think so."

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