105: Moment of Medicine

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105: 薬(くすり)瞬間(しゅんかん) 

I coughed horribly and cursed, turning to Ikinoshita, shaking his body. 'Oi, wake up!' I called out. Smoke was seen coming out from the front bonnet of the car. I gasped and shook harder. 'Ikinoshita! Wake the hell up!'

He groaned and opened his eyes. 'Y-Yuzuki-sama! You're bleeding are you okay?!' he panicked.

I slapped his shoulder. 'You're one to talk! Let's get out.'

A car had slammed unto us as Ikinoshita was driving at the maximum speed imposed, 100 km/h. The window was broken so I got out through the window. God knows how Ikinoshita got off but he was already out when I landed on the ground. My head was spinning and throbbing in pain.

He went to my side and held my hand. 'Yuzuki-sama, please stay close. They're coming for us.' He said.

Ikinoshita is significant in the clan, as Dad had regarded due to his sharpness when it comes to sound. He could hear the slightest footsteps incoming. His grip tightened and he withdrew a kunai beneath his coat. I wriggled my hand free. He turned to me, surprised.

'Why do you think Dad sent me to the Dojo, Ikinoshita?' I smiled. 'I'm the daughter of a Yukimura enemy, I should prepare for this kind of scene. Don't worry, I'll be fine.'

He nodded and I readied. The doors to the car that collided with us opened.

A cry signaled our war. Three—no, four men ran for us. I took a deep breath and dodged the two aiming for me. A and B. I jumped on one of them, whom I would address as A, and strangled his neck from behind. It wasn't easy though. He was strong and his friend, B came to his aid. B grabbed my waist and pulled me away but that only resulted in me strangling A further.

It was intense fight until a few seconds of pulling later A went unconscious. I turned to B. He threw a punch but I moved away and since I was smaller than him, I punched his gut but it made me groan instead. Abs.

Ikinoshita came to aid. He slashed the kunai on B's hand and he pulled back, moaning in pain. B cursed and carried A then the four men ran away. Ikinoshita sighed. 'Let's get...' he trailed off and I frowned.

'Ikinoshita?' I spoke.

He collapsed. I gaped. W-What do I do?! 'Ikinoshita?' I shook his body but he didn't budge. I withdrew my phone and dialed a number. It beeped for a while then a voice answered.

'Izu?' Sano said.

'Sano!' I yelled.

'What happened? Where are you?'

'I have no idea where I am. Track Ikinoshita's phone. He fainted and we had an accident. Actually it's the other way around—ANYWAY—Please fetch us.'

'Coming in a short while.' He cut off the call then. I groaned and rubbed my face but clicked my tongue in annoyance when I realized I had wiped the blood all over. My head was throbbing but I tried staying strong not to collapse and look after Ikinoshita.


I looked up and saw Akashi. 'Yo.' I muttered.

He frowned. 'What the hell happened? Have you called 119?'

'Remember? I can't. I've called Sano though. Don't worry.' I said.

He knelt beside me. 'You're bleeding, let me see that.'

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