A few minutes later, another nurse walks in the room.

"Hi Benjamin! My name is Molly and I'll be your nurse for today. Let me first take your temperature. Open your mouth for me, sweety." Molly says as she puts the thermometer in Benji's mouth.

"One hundred and one." Molly says as she writes it down on Benji's chart. "Okay, I am going to check your blood pressure now." Molly says as she puts the cuff on Benji's arm. Benji begins to get scared.

"It's okay, buddy." RJ says. "Eighty five over seventy. That's perfect. You feel okay, sweety?" Molly asks as Benji coughs loudly.

"We think he has a sinus infection and a cold." Will says as Benji sneezes. "Bless you! What are his symptoms?" Molly asks and Will and RJ list all of the ones Benji has.

• A cold
• Fever
• Yellow/green nasal drainage
• Post nasal drip
• Sore throat
• Cough
• Nausea & vomiting
• Irritability
• Fatigue

"We just want to run a few tests just to make sure he doesn't have strep throat or the flu. Just to rule them out." Molly says as she grabs the things needed to do the tests.

"Can one of you have Benjamin on your lap so we can do the tests? Just to keep Benjamin more comfortable." Molly says.

RJ puts Benji in his lap. "Okay Benjamin, I am going to stick this up your nose, okay?" Molly says and Benji nods nervously.

"I'm right here, buddy and Daddy is right there." RJ says as he kisses Benji's cheek.

Molly sticks one side of the swab on one side of Benji's nose and does the same thing to the other side.

"Awesome job!" Molly says with a smile as she puts the test in a seal. "One more test, buddy." Will says and Benji coughs.

"Okay buddy, I want you to open your mouth and I'm going to swab your throat.

Benji opens his mouth and Molly puts another swab in Benji's throat, quickly getting it out. Benji cries after the strep test.

"Aw, I'm all done! You did great! I hope you feel better soon, Benjamin! Dr. Dimick will be back with the results in a few minutes." Molly says as she walks out of the room.

"Thank you." Will and RJ say in unison. RJ hands Benji to Will. Will kisses Benji's cheek and rubs his back.

"You did a great job, buddy. I know that was scary." Will says as Benji wipes the tears off of his cheeks.

RJ kisses Benji's cheek and holds his hand. Benji climbs into Will's lap. "It's okay, buddy. Do you need to blow your nose again?" RJ asks and Benji nods.

Ten minutes later, Dr. Dimick knocks on the door. "Come in." Will and RJ say in unison.

"Hello, Will. Hello RJ. It's nice to see you guys. Hi, Benjamin! It's nice to see you too! You have grown a lot since the last time I saw you!" Dr. Dimick says as she smiles at Benji. Benji coughs again.

"I read his chart and saw his symptoms he is having. His flu test and strep test came back negative, which are great. The symptoms are showing is a sinus infection. I know you don't feel well, sweety. He looks tired." Dr. Dimick says as she rubs Benji's head.

"He has been miserable and he is fighting sleep. He keeps coughing and sneezing. Tons of green mucus coming out." RJ says as Dr. Dimick listens. Benji blows his nose and Will wipes it off.

"He will probably be sick for a week or so. I am going to give him a liquid antibiotic, unless he can swallow pills." Dr. Dimick says.

"We always gave him liquid and no luck giving pills." RJ says.

"That's very common. Most kids won't try taking pills until they are five or six. I am also going to give him a nasal spray, that will help clear his nose so he can breathe better." Dr. Dimick says.

"Should we make him eat? He hasn't ate much." Will says as he rubs Benji's back.

"You don't have to force him, but eating may make him feel better. Have him eat whatever he chooses. Usually when little kids are sick they do not want to eat anything. Make sure you keep him hydrated though. Pedialyte will help with that." Dr. Dimick says as Benji yawns.

"Thank you so much, Dr. Dimick." Will says as Benji yawns again. "Thank you so much." RJ says.

"It's my pleasure! If he gets sick or has a reaction to the medicine, just call and I'll give you guys another antibiotic. Sometimes they can give you a tummy ache. I hope you feel better, Benjamin." Dr. Dimick says as she pinches Benji's cheek.

Benji waves as Will picks him up. Will, Benji and RJ leave.

"Okay, so we are out of the doctors office. We didn't have to wait long at all. That's why I love his pediatrician, she is so compassionate and sweet." Will says as he films Benji who is covered up with his blanket.

"Little man has a sinus infection, so we need to get his antibiotics and nasal spray. Also we need to get some Pedialyte to help him stay hydrated. We are going to Target to get it filled and we are going to get some groceries." RJ says as he drives.

Will films RJ holding Benji as they walk around Target, waiting for Benji's medicine to be ready.

"Is he asleep?" RJ asks and Will nods. "Sleeping on his Papi. We are just waiting for Benji's prescriptions to be done. We also had to get a few things and food for Dobby." Will says as he rubs Benji's back.

After walking all around Target, Benji wakes up hungry. Will and RJ take him to Starbucks.

"We decided to give Benji a little treat, right bud?" RJ says and Benji nods.

"Don't worry, this drink doesn't have coffee in it. It's a vanilla bean frappuccino. Something to help calm his sore throat. And a little muffin, Benji loves these." Will says as he kisses Benji's forehead.

"I'm sleepy." Benji says. "I know, we are going home, give you your medicine and then you can go to bed." RJ says.

Once at home, RJ and Will read how to give Benji his medicine. "The spray stinks!" Benji says as he blows his nose.

"I know it's yucky, but it will make you breathe better tonight". RJ says a he wipes Benji's face.

"Okay buddy, here's the other medicine." Will says as he gives Benji the pink antibiotic. "That tasted like bubble gum!" Benji says and Will smiles.

"Let Papi or I know if you have a tummy ache, okay?" Will says and Benji nods.

RJ films Benji and Will cuddling in bed. "My three boys." RJ says as he shows Dobby laying on the floor.

"Benji is asleep, hopefully he sleeps the whole night." Will says and RJ nods. RJ kisses Will.

"We will vlog tomorrow if little man feels better." RJ says and Will nods. Will and RJ wave goodbye before turning off the camera.

Benji felt better in a few days! :)

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