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We have so many priorities as humans. Ya know? But you know what is always at the bottom of the list? God. For some reason we decide everything is more important in life than God. Video Games, People, phones, sports, anything and everything. Even school. You may not realize it, but as a student if you say "I have to finish this first then I can read my Bible." or "Then I can do my devotions." (which I am guilty of), then you are putting school above God. Yes, you need an education, but you need God more. Now, I might be interpreting this wrong, because the Bible also says with everything you do do it for God. So, you don't want to give him a failing grade or something like that. Because you are representing God on the Earth and spreading his word. How is bad grades and poor attitude toward work effort a good representation of God?! So then I question myself. I mean, when do you sit down and think about God. Be honest. Now, how often do you think about when someone will text you back or what your next grade will be or when you can get a new game/phone? There's probably a BIG difference in your answers. And I assume that God is the lesser of the two answers. We all want to say we think about God all the time, but we seem to put other things ahead of him as if he doesn't even exist. Who are we to do that? I mean, God puts us first. Shouldn't we put him first? I mean, if you love someone, you put them at the top of your priority list. Right? Well, if you love God, why isn't he there!!! Your love for God should be unconditional just like the love you have/would have for a spouse. In fact, it should be even greater than the love you have for your spouse. I mean, he's worth it. All he wants is for you to give him your all and what do we do? We give him the smallest amount of time possible if we even give him any time. That's crazy. Pretty much how it works is, the person who loves us eternally we love the least of everything. What is wrong with us?! All people desire is love love and love, and when we are given it, we throw it away??? That's just stupid.

Matthew 6:33
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."

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