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I know that many people swear and it doesn't make you a bad person by no means. Some people who swear are honestly really really good people. But, back to what I was saying, it's a very bad habit to pick up. If you are in Middle school or High school, and even Elementary school you will hear cursing a lot. As followers of christ, it is our job to stay on the right path. Don't let people persuade you into the wide path. I know that going to school and having people curse all around you and NOT picking up on it is VERY VERY hard, but it's not impossible. Now, pretty much everyone curses once in their lifetime or so. It's human nature at this point in time. But I have noticed that when people curse they often use the lord's name in vain. As we all know, or should know, using the lord's name in vain is a sin. Even saying simple things like omg is using the Lord's name in vain. Instead of using God you could use gosh or goodness. Those are some very good replacements. I suggest staying away from cursing because it is best for your faith with God.

Thanks for reading! Remember stay Blessed and never let your light burn out!!

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