Types of "Christians" Acceptable and non-acceptable

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        -Legalistic Christianity-
Legalistic Christianity is where you view Christianity as a life of rules.

1. This will pull you farther and farther away from God.
2. Christianity isn't just a life of rules.

Think of it as "keeping me on the path to heaven!" Not "ugh, I want to do this, but I can't. Stupid rules 😒" That's not the way to look at things.

        -Lukewarm Christianity-

This one is a bit different. This is like you go to church and are christian on Sunday morning, but once you exit those doors, you are right back to what you were doing. You don't listen to the message, you just use the title. That is not the way to go at all.

1. You learn nothing
2. Your using God's name, but you don't even know who he is.

               -True Christianity-

This is where you follow the rules, you go to church every Sunday because you know it's right and you WANT and THRIVE to follow God. You listen to the rules and don't question them. Yes, we all sin, but you ask for forgiveness. We all have times that we question why God is doing what he's doing, but you realize that he has a reason for his doings. You believe he is the father, son, and Holy Spirit. Hey science! Explain how bread just "magically" ran down from the sky for the disciples! That doesn't happen. The only answer is God is watching out for us.

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