CrankGameplays One-Shots

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                                                                          ~Flickering Love~

                                                                           ~2017, California~

(Chloe's POV)

I sat in my room as I searched through YouTube. "Chloe!" Tyler yelled. I groaned. What had I done this time? I sat up and walked downstairs. Mark, Ethan and Tyler were sitting at the dining room table. "We're going to a haunted house on Friday." Mark announced. "I'm not so su-'' "Oh you'll be fine! I'm sure one flickering light won't set off your epilepsy!" He said. I sighed then looked up at him. He had a big smile on his face. I couldn't say no to him. "Alright." I said. He smiled and I walked back up to my room. I mean, I hadn't had a seizure in over five years, so maybe I was good, right? I layed down in my bed and groaned as I looked up at my ceiling. I closed my eyes for a mid-afternoon nap.


Everything was going great, there hasn't even been one flickering light yet. We were currently waiting in line for the so called 'scariest area yet',the Mental Hospital. This place had many areas we could've gone to. First there was a corn maze, then you had to go through a place that kind of had some Outlast 2 vibes. At least from what I seen of the demo. Amy was hugging Mark's arm. I was standing next to Ethan, both of us on our phone waiting to go in and Tyler and Kathryn were fighting over who used who as a human shield. We made if farther up into line so I put my phone in my hoodie pocket and Ethan put his in his back pocket. People were let in, in groups of two. Tyler and Kathryn went in together. Amy and Mark went in together. Me and Ethan went in together. Me and Ethan had been dating for two years now. We began dating in the beginning of 2016. We walked in together, me not really being phased by the sounds of chainsaws following us. I wasn't really scared easily. I looked around. "Watch your feet little girl." One of the actors said. I smiled and watched as he ran off. A younger actress came up to me and grabbed my arm. "Would you like to donate an arm?" She asked. "Nah I'd like to keep it for at least another year." I said. "Please we're very hungry." She said. "No." I said as we continued walking. "How about a leg!" She shouted from behind. I smiled. I looked ahead and my eyes widened. Uh-oh. Flashing lights. "Ethan-" "I know just keep your eyes closed." He said. I closed my eyes and hid them in Ethan's side. "Tell me when they're gone." I said. "K." He said. We walked through until Ethan stopped. "You're good it's pitch black." He said. I lifted my head and opened my eyes. It was indeed pitch black. We walked on until the lights came back on flickering faster than before. Thoughts began flooding into my mind and I began panicking. I began to feel dizzy as well. I leaned onto Ethan. "I don't feel good..." I said. He looked at me and his eyes widened. He and I both knew what was coming. I couldn't hear anything anymore, except a faint ringing and my vision was beginning to blur. Ethan was shouting things and shaking me. The last thing I remember was Ethan's horrified face. I had blacked out.

(Ethan's POV)

She fell to the ground and began violently shaking. I quickly bent down and took my wallet out of my pocket. I put it in her mouth. I quickly pulled out my phone. The lights turned on and people crowded around her. I dialed 911. "911, what is your emergency?" The operator asked. "M-My girlfriend just had a seizure!" I said. "Ok sir where are you?" She asked. I told her the address. "Ok we're sending an ambulance sir." She said. "Hurry." I said and ended the call. Mark and Amy were too far ahead to know about the commotion. I picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the ambulance. She was no longer shaking but her mouth looked like it was clamping on my wallet. I set her down outside of the attraction and seen Mark and Amy eating ice cream at one of the stands. Many people were around us. "Give us some space!" I shouted at everyone.

(Mark's POV)

"Give us some space!" Ethan's voice shouted. I looked up and seen Chloe on the ground with something black in her mouth. The flashing lights, she must've had a seizure. I heard ambulance sirens. Me and Amy looked over as they carried Chloe away with a gurney. "C'mon, we need to drive to the hospital." Ethan said. We all then drove to the hospital.

(Ethan's POV)

I sat in the room, looking at her as she lay in an unconscious-like state. I knew we shouldn't have taken her to a haunted house. The doctor then walked in. "Thank god you reacted the way you did when you did Mr. Nestor." He said. I looked over. "If you hadn't put your wallet in her mouth, she could've bitten her tongue off." He said. I smiled slightly and looked back at her. "How long till she wakes up?" I asked. "Anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour." He said. I nodded and ran a hand through my hair.

~30 Minutes Later~

(Chloe's POV)

My eyes fluttered open and the only thing that I could hear was a very loud beeping sound and faint talking. I didn't know where I was and I felt like vomiting. "S-She's waking up!" Mark's voice said. "Go get the nurse!" Ethan said. About one minute later a woman came up to me. I blinked a few times and my vision cleared up. "Chloe, Chloe do you know where you are?" She asked. "I'm in a hospital..." I said weakly. "Yes you are, do you know why you're here?" She asked. "No...'' I said. "You had a seizure Chloe." She said. Suddenly I felt it. The vomit was coming up. I quickly sat up and she put a trash can in my lap. I vomited in the trash can. Once I was done I set the trash can down next to the bed and leaned back. The nurse came over and wiped my mouth and gave me a mint. I put the mint in my mouth and smiled as she left the room. Mark bent down with a slight smile. "Hey Chloe." He said. Time to have some fun. "Who are you?" I asked. His eyes widened. "I'm just kidding Mark." I said with a smile. He smirked and hugged me. Amy hugged me. Tyler came over and hugged me as well along with Kathryn. Everyone left and Ethan came over. He smiled and pushed my black hair back and kissed my forehead. "Hey hunny." He said. I smiled. "You had me frightened half to death." He said. I shrugged and he smiled and hugged me tightly. I hugged back. "Hey I guess you could say we have flickering love." He said and nudged me, winking. "If you ever say that again you can say bye to having a girlfriend." I said with a laugh. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. I loved him and he loved me. One day we would get married, have children and grow old together...but let's stay in the present for now...

Hey guys! I hope you liked this! Ikr! Two uploads in one day, I have the day off because unlike back in Ireland, (I just moved back to my hometown of Englad yay!) it snows here! This was a request from  MalakMounir! I hope you guys enjoyed this, I hope you had or are having a lovely day. If 'tis thou's birthday *inhales* HAPPY B-DAY GUUUURL! Bai! XoXo ~Alex

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