Scars Are Beautiful [X OC]

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TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains abuse, and self harm. If this subject upsets you, I suggest you don't read it. 

                                                                       ~Scars Are Beautiful~

                                                                              ~2015, Maine~

(Analia's POV)

I turned on my camera. ''Hey guys! I'm in the airport and on my way to IndyPop Con! I feel so weird vlogging in public." I said. I looked around and seen a blue haired boy ahead. "Guys I think I just found Ethan." I whispered. I turned the camera to show them Ethan. He was currently holding a camera. I faced it back at me. "Should I call his name?...I'm gonna do it." I said. "Ethan." I called. He looked around. "Behind you dingus." I said. He looked behind him and smiled he looked back at his camera then showed me. "Hey guys!" I waved. "Say hi to mine too!" I said. He chuckled and waved. "So, I'll see you guys there!" I turned my camera off and put it back in my backpack. I sat down and waited for my flight to be announced. I plugged my earbuds in and listened to music. Ethan sat down next to me with a bag of sour cream and onion chips. Ethan poked me. I looked over at him and pulled and earbud out. "What plane are you on?" He asked. I took a chip. "I'm on 329." I said. "I'm on that flight too." He said. I smiled. We got on the plane and surprisingly our seats were together. We talked throughout the flight and he turned his camera on and made funny faces and stuck his tongue out. I sighed and watched the clouds as we flew by. I was chewing gum so my ears wouldn't pop and so was Ethan. I felt Ethan's hand rest on mine. I looked over. He smiled. I smiled back. Me and Ethan were very good friends, I'd known him since 4th grade. Things like these were nothing more than friendly gestures. We were very close. We'd cuddled together, helped each other through problems, and we're always there for each other. "Everyone exiting at Indianapolis, gather your things, we will be arriving in 5 minutes." The woman over the intercom said. I put all my things away and grabbed my suitcase. I pulled the handle up. When we landed we got up and I held my suitcase getting off of the plane. When we were out of the plane and in the airport I set it down and wheeled it around. I pulled out my camera and began vlogging again and so did Ethan. "Ok so I'm with mah boy Ethan and we gonna find G." I said. "Shut up I'm trying to vlog!" Ethan yelled. I flipped him off. We found G. "Dude what the hell is happening with the back of your head?" I asked. "I'm growing it out. It'll look better when it's all grown in." I put my camera away. "Let's go." We walked around. I was comfortable around Ethan and G and they were comfortable around me so we all decided to share a room together. We walked into the room. "Didn't we ask for 3 beds?" G asked. ''I thought I asked for 3 beds." I said. "I ain't sharin' a bed with Ethan." G said. "I don't care who I sleep with so y'all can fight to the death of who gets to sleep with me, I have to piss." I said and walked into the bathroom. "I don't care honestly." Ethan said. "I'll sleep with her if you don't want to." G said. "It's fine." Ethan said. Guess I was gonna be sleeping with Ethan. I sighed and finished my business. I washed my hands and walked back into the main room. "You're sleepin' with me!" Ethan said. "I'm prepared to suffocate." I said. "What?" G asked. "Ethan tends to grabs things ad snuggle them while he sleeps." I said. "You better hope I ain't awake when that happens cause that shiz would be goin' all over twitter." G said. "You better not.'' I said. We decided to take a nap. (I know they went out for lunch but in my version they take a nap) I jumped into my bed and Ethan layed down normally. G layed down as well. I fell asleep within seconds. I awoke to see the wall. I felt Ethan's arm around my waist. I blushed. I had felt his arm around my waist, but he had never been pressed up against me so closely. I could feel his chest rise and fall. He had managed to squeeze his leg in between mine. My left leg was on top of his left leg and my right leg was under his left leg. We were all tangled up, but in a comfortable way. I relaxed into the warmth and fell back asleep. "Aw look at them." A girl's voice said. I kept my eyes shut and listened. "They're so cute together. I should take a picture of this and post it." G's voice said. I didn't want that to happen, but I was so comfortable and I didn't want to get up. The familiar sound of a picture being taken was heard. No goin' back now. I groaned and my eyes fluttered open. Emily, G, and Brian were standing around our bed. I was held so tightly in Ethan's grip that I couldn't move. "Uh...can one of you help me?" I asked. G chuckled and slapped Ethan's butt. "Ow!" He shouted and his eyes opened. He covered his butt and I rolled out of bed. I literally rolled onto the floor. I groaned. "Why'd you have to hit my butt?" Ethan whined. "Maybe if you weren't squeezing Analia like you were freaking Jack from titanic tryin' not to let go, I wouldn't have smacked you." G said causing me to laugh. Ethan laughed. "Let's go we have a dinner to go to." Emily said. After the dinner we went to dave and busters. I was walking with Ethan and he stared vlogging. "Dude where did the others go?" I asked. "I don't know." Ethan said. "Oh they're over there." I said. We walked over to the four way air hockey. After dave and busters we went back to the hotel. "I'm gonna go shower." I said. "K." G said. Ethan was on his phone with ear buds in. I closed the door and locked it. I took my clothes off and turned the shower on. I stepped in and sighed as the warm water hit my skin. I didn't like singing in fron of people but I just completely forgot about Ethan and G. "Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can't help fallin' in love with you." I sang.

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