The Fever

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She gasped as she hit the water; it was cold. Like thousands of needles pricking her skin all at once. It was painful and every time a muscle twitched she was in pain. She had never learned to swim, but she had sense enough to hold her breath. She felt with her fingertips looking for the air, her hand was only met with pure ice. She was trapped. Her lungs began to burn. She tried to break the ice, but the water slowed her movements. She could not help it, she could not hold it anymore she had to breath. Water flooded her lungs, and a cool sensation ran over her. She felt arms come around her. She relaxed into the warmth and allowed herself to be at peace.

She was pulled from the freezing pool and instantly coughed up the water. She breathed hard, gasping like a fish. She had never experienced such a bitter cold before. William. She began to panic. He must have pulled her out, where was he? She rolled onto her side searching the snow with her hands for his heat. She was no longer scared of whatever he was--at least in this moment. She tried to focus on the importance of making sure he was breathing too. Her fingertips met his hand and she grabbed at it. His hand was warm. She pushed herself up and crawled to him. Rosalind's hands found his shoulders, and she shook him gently.

"William?" She said hoarsely. She shook him again, "William?"

She touched his face, feeling the uneven flesh under her palm. William's hand came a top of hers; holding her hand there.

"Rose," he breathed. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm all right," She told him. She was tired. It was so cold. William's voice was raspy and weary.

"Good, that is good," He told her. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"It is all right," She mumbled. Her hand withdrew, and she laid back into snow. She felt William at her side. His arm came around her and they fed off each other's warmth. It was too cold. Everything was slow, like honey dripping down the rim of a pot. William pulled her closer, her breathing was slowing.

"Rosalind?" She hummed in response. He shook her gently, panic filling his voice. "Rosalind, you need to stay awake."

Her eyes felt heavy, she just wanted to sleep. She began to drift in and out of consciousness. William pulled her to a sitting position, but she could not keep her head up. If she listened closely she could hear her mother's voice humming a lullaby.

"Damn it!" William's voice sounded distant. She had a sense of being lifted like a baby being rocked to sleep. She finally gave into her heavy eyes, against William's wishes, and fell asleep.


Everything felt hot; too hot. Like you had laid near a fire too long and your skin starts to itch. She flung around, she felt trapped. She tossed; realizing she was in bed. She clawed at the sheet that covered her. A sweat had broken across her brow.

"Rosalind! Calm yourself! It is all right!" She heard Selene say. She gasped for air as Selene helped the sheet away from her body. Selene felt Rosalind's forehead with the back of her hand.

"What happened?" Rosalind's voice was hoarse from not speaking for hours.

"Well, thankfully you are not ill with a fever." Selene deflected.

"Where is William?" Rosalind asked. He was the last thing she could recall. Her memory slowly returned; her fear and anger, and William's desperation as he called to her. The ice that had cracked under their weight. This time Rosalind's voice was filled with utter panic, "Where is William?"

"He is in his quarters," Selene said simply. Rosalind was tired of the constant secrets in this castle. She felt as though everyone was tip-toeing around her. First with William's...predicament or whatever it was; and now this.

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