Chapter 35- Bathrobe

Start from the beginning

"Drink this, it will help with the headache," You tell him as you place the pill on the night stand on a white napkin, next to a bottle of water, and you help him sit up. 

"Yaaah, my head hurts soo much," he whines like a little kid once again and you get a rush of anger and grumpiness, most likely due to the tiredness. 

You haven't slept long enough, comfortable or warm enough.  You have every right to be grumpy if your feel like it. 

"Just take the pill," you tell him as you grab the pill from the nightstand and hold it in front of his face. 

Not even caring about opening his eyes to see what is going on he simply opens his mouth awaiting for the pill to be thrown in his mouth. 

You let out an irritated sigh and pop the painkiller in his mouth and soon bring the bottle of water to his lips and tilt it upwards so he can drink. 

Thankfully, he considers it and grabs the bottle with his hand to drink as much as he wants; which happens to be the entire bottle given that he's dehydrated and needs as many fluids as possible. 

"Didn't know I was that thirsty," he says and hands you the empty bottle, still not opening his eyes. 

"Yeah, I'll bring you more in a big," you say and head out of the room to go to the bathroom to wake yourself up with some cold water. 

"Thanks, Rin!" Jimin mumbles on the very verge of falling asleep again, nonetheless his words reach your ears. 

Did he just call you 'Rin'? As in,' Chae-Rin'? 

What the fuck is wrong with this boy? 

You decide on not giving it much thought, (and you're not in a state to give it much thought anyways)  and head for the bathroom. 

You open the lights and head in, for a mere second you are blinded by them but soon get acquainted. 

You look at your reflection in the mirror and not at your monstrous look,

 "No wonder he passed me for Chae-Rin,"  you say looking at your bloodshot red and puffy eyes, circled by smeared eyeliner that makes you look like a panda and has even reached your cheekbones. However your hair is what perfects your look, the hair-bun has collapsed, pieces of (hair color)  locks are sticking out everywhere, in very, ver messy way. 

You make an attempt to smell your shirt a instantly regret as your lungs are filled with air scented by cigarettes smell, alcohol, puke and sweat. 

Your mind instantly goes to the thought of taking a shower and in mere seconds you head to check if there's warm water, blocking every other responsibility you have at the moment, such as bringing more water to Jimin or going to make breakfast.

I'LL do everything after I take a shower.  

You make a small fist bump as the hot water makes contact with your cold skin of your fingertips,  you close the tap and head to lock the bathroom door as you start undressing, with great difficulty due to your stiff neck. 

Once you're fully unclothed you hop in the shower and start relaxing and releasing all the tension your body had as all the dirt from last night washes away with your chocolate scented shampoo. 

You don't want to leave the warm water that his against your skin like a natural massage, but you have to. That is because the warm water has run out and is now replaced by cold. 

You close the tap, open the blue curtain and search for your towel but you don't find one. You can only see the pink robe Eun-bi bought you a while back, one that you do not use and had been aimlessly hanging there by the wall. 

Looks like it will be out to use today. 

 With no other option you unhook it, and wear it, tightly tying it around your waist the waistband it has. 

You step out of it and dry your feet at the special mat you have. 

Now, you walk in front of the mirror and take in the more refreshed image of you. You didn't use too hot water so no mist has been created to fog the mirror. 

Yeah, this is definitely better. 

​​​​​​You turn around to gather all your dirty clothes and stuff them in the washing machine. You head to unlock the door but you freeze as you realize that you didn't take any clothes or underwear from your room and now you'll have to walk into your room- were Jimin is awake​​​-  only being covered by a pink and fluffy bathroom door that reaches until your mid thigh. 

Aaaaaahh, Eun-bi!!!! You and your stupid presents!!!!!

 You start thinking of different scenarios of what could go down and you hope the scenario were Jimin is dead asleep again, and you sneak in take everything you need and sneak out like a ninja and nobody suspects a thing. 

Yeah, let's hope something like that goes down. 

You count to three and open unlock the door and silently head out and towards your room. 

You squint your eyes closed as you tiptoe and you fail to see that Jimin is standing there and you crush οnto him. 

You open your eyes and they go wide at  mess you see in front of you. 

Jimin, is looking like he has been beat up by a WWE wrestler, and then ran over by a truck. The area that Cody hit with his fist is blue and swollen, his face is pale, his lips are dry and chapped, he has bags under his red eyes which also happen to be swollen. 

"Omo!" he exclaims and brings his hand to his face as he stumbles back a little bit. 

He's still weak, with a messed up balance, he must be feeling dizzy as well. 

Great, if he's dizzy then he probably won't notice my attire... 

"You okay?" you ask as your rest your hands on his arms to support him. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good," he nods with his eyes closed. 

"Why did you get up?" you ask as you turn him around and push him to walk back to your bedroom. 

As he lays back on your bed you'll get the chance to grab a pair of pants, a t-shirt and underwear. Right?

At least that's what you hope for. 

And this hope keeps you from freaking out and becoming a nervous mess. 

I he weren't in the hangover state you would have really been embarrassed but, he is.  Thing that gives you the upper hand. 

"I was searching for you...," he mumbles and his words tale you aback. 

Is he still drunk? 

"Are you still drunk?" you ask with pure confusion in your voice.

"I don't think so..." he says and suddenly turns around and you collide on his chest once again because you absent-mindedly kept walking. 

"Sorry," you say and awkwardly take a step back pursing your lips. 

The moment you take that step back Jimin eyes you from head to two and you feel can't help but feel exposed. 


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