Daniel Howell: I bet you're really good at dirty talk

Philip Lester: what

Daniel Howell: turn me on

Philip Lester: what

Daniel Howell: dirty talk!

Philip Lester: I'm at the grocery stfu

Daniel Howell: mind if I walk you home?

Philip Lester: ??

Daniel Howell: my mother always told me to follow my dreams

Philip Lester: that made no sense

Daniel Howell: I may not be Fred flintsone, but I can make your bed rock

Philip Lester: why am I still talking to you

Daniel Howell: because you love me!

Philip Lester: far from that

Daniel Howell: ): you hate me daddy?

Philip Lester: I'm not your father

Daniel Howell: you're my daddy

Philip Lester: buh bye

Daniel Howell: i love you

Dan sat at the table, watching random guys pass as he sipped his morning coffee. He went to the grocery this morning for a fresh cup of brew. Dan managed to finish his essay he'd been procrastinating for a week.

Phil had managed to check out without any sort of human interaction. Phil liked Saturday's, he liked going to the grocery in a pair of sleep pants and a hoodie two sizes too big. 

Dan saw Phil.

Phil didn't even look Dan's way, but he didn't know to either.

Daniel Howell: I saw you again

Philip Lester: ??

Daniel Howell: I was in the cafe in the grocery.

Philip Lester: oh I didn't see you

Daniel Howell: I know

Philip Lester: why didn't come say hello

Daniel Howell: I like talking to you here. I'm not good with physical human interaction.

Philip Lester: saMe why you do you think I always take the self checkout???

Daniel Howell: but you're so beautiful?

Philip Lester: far from it, howell

Daniel Howell: but seriously you are??

Philip Lester: 😂

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