Midnight Songs [Special Request]

Depuis le début

(Ethan's POV)

I paused the game. "Let's take a look at the chat!" I said and clicked onto Twitch. So many people were watching it was amazing. We had already raised 8,000 dollars. The stream ended at 12 PM. The goal was 10,000. "Guys we are so close to hitting our goal! Please, if you haven't already, donate! It's for St. Jude, a cancer charity. I smiled and watched as some of the donations went up. "Ok let's go through the chat." I said and looked in the chat. "No G, no one is gonna subscribe!" I shouted at G. He was a mod and he kept saying subscribe to OGchan. A lot of people were asking when Patricia was coming back. "Many people are asking about Patricia, she should be coming back soon, but I don't know, she said she was going to comb her hair." I said and shrugged. I looked in the chat. "When's the next giveaway? Um the next giveaway will be soon." I said. I heard the door open. I looked up. Patricia was smiling. I only now had just noticed how beautiful her eyes were. They were a brown color. They looked green earlier. Hey! Maybe they're hazel like mine! She stood behind me. "Go get a chair." I said with a giggle. "Oh." She said and looked around. She pulled over my extra spinny chair and swerved in it as I answered questions. "Oh this is Patricia by the way, I don't think I ever introduced you." I said. "Hi, I'm Patricia." She said with a smile. I smiled and looked back at the screen. "No we're not dating." I said with a smile. Patricia giggled. We then moved back on to Resident Evil 7. "Should I go left or right?" I asked. I waited a second before looking back at Patricia. "Why're you asking me?" She said with a giggle. "I don't know!" I laughed. "Let's go left." I said and looked back at her. "You're the boss." She said. We walked left and continue on our adventure. I felt Patricia holding onto my shoulders, frightened. I smiled to myself about it and continued on playing the game. "You alright back there?" I asked with a smirk. "Yeah I'm fine..." She said. "Yep." I said and popped the p. She gently whacked me. "S-Shut up!" She said. I smirked and we continued. After a jumpscare Patricia squealed and wrapped her arms around me, hiding her face in my back. "W-" I cut myself off and looked at the frightened girl. "Um how about we go check the chat." I said and paused the game. I clicked onto Twitch and read the chat. Almost all the comments were how cute we were together and fan girls saying how they'd kill to be in her position. Patricia's head rested on my shoulder as she read the comments with me. I honestly did not mind. I loved her company. It was 11:30. I sighed and smiled to the camera. "I just want to thank you guys so much...I just...it means so much to me that you guys care enough..." I said with a smile.

(Patricia's POV)

As Ethan read his speech on I began crying softly behind him. It was amazing how much he actually cared about his fans. "C'mon...hugs." He said and hugged the camera. I smiled slightly before he turned to me and hugged me. I was probably a tomato and everyone could see that, but I hugged him back. "Thanks for joining the stream..." He said with a smile. I nodded and smiled, wiping my eyes. "I didn't make you cry too, did I?" He asked. I nodded with a smile and a sniffle. He smiled and looked back at the camera. "Alright guys...I told you that when we reached out goal I would sing since so many of you wanted that and if we went past our goal, I would pour a bucket of ice water on Mark, so currently we reached 10,000 so I guess I have to sing." He said. I giggled. "Would you mind grabbing my ukulele?" He asked. I nodded and looked around. "It's leaning against my bedside table.'' He said. I nodded and grabbed it. I handed it to him. He smiled and began strumming. I took this moment while his eyes were close to take in his qualities. He had beautiful green eyes, but they were currently closed, he may have hated his acne, but it made him more handsome in my eyes. He was just so handsome. "Patricia?" Ethan asked. I looked at him. "I was asking you what song you would like to hear, but you seemed to be busy staring at me." He said with a smirk. "Um...I'd like to hear Everything's Alright." I said. "I'm not sure that I can sing that..." He said. "I'm gonna mute this so if I can't reach these notes, I don't blow your ears out." He said and muted the mic. I smiled as he began strumming to the song.

"Short steps,

Deep breathes

Everything is alright" He sang. He unmuted his microphone. "Ok guys, I'm gonna sing that song." He said with a smile. He strummed his ukulele and began singing. It made my heart melt and made a tingly feeling in my stomach rise. When he finished he smiled and looked at me. I smiled back. We looked in the chat. Someone said that we had already reached 12,000. "Woah." I said. "Dude!" Ethan said. I smiled. "Alright you guys, since we reached 12,000, you guys make up a challenge that we need to do, and I'll scroll through them to choose one with my eyes closed. Whoever I pick, I'll do the challenge and they'll be the last giveaway winner." Ethan said. We went onto Twitter and Ethan began scrolling as I held my hand over his eyes. He stopped. I removed my hand and we read it. "Oh no." I whispered. "Um...I'm gonna give them the last charity shirt and then we'll do the challenge I guess." Ethan said. We sent the shirt and then looked at each other then back at the camera. "So the challenge we chose was I have to kiss Patricia." He said. I was super nervous and excited on the inside. "Alright well, let's get this over with." He smiled. I nodded. We leaned in and our lips pressed together. Part of me wanted to pull away but most of me wanted to keep kissing his soft lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. We forgot about the camera recording. We pulled back for air and looked at each other. I layed my forehead against his. Out of the corner of my eye I seen the camera and the light red. "Ethan...'' I whispered. He looked over and immediately let go of me. We moved back to our original positions, our faces red as tomatoes. He finished the stream and preformed the outro. Once he was done he looked at me and tackled me onto his bed. He hovered above me and dove his head down, kissing me. I kissed back and we cuddled together the rest of the night. We forgot that Mark as supposed to wake us up tomorrow...oh boy were we in for it. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this! This was a request by Beautifulsoul17! If any of you are wondering, yes I am stil taking requests and I'm more than happy to make them for you guys! Well I hoped you liked this chapter, I hope you had or are having a wonderful day, if 'tis thou's birthday *Inhales and takes of dank sunglasses* HAPPY B-DAY GUUUUUURRL! Bai! XoXo ~Alex

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