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Chapter 7: Everything went Downhill

A few weeks ago, Chan was that brat who would've enjoyed making everyone suffer, he still do. But the only thing he can't accept is that he's the one suffering now. 

Hansol looked at him--he finally called something Chwe hansol, Hansol was wearing this smirk--the smirk was frightening, it was confident, full of loathing and it was nothing like the hansol he knew. 

"I'm--" he was cut off of what he was going to say by Hansol's laugh. 

"No, you're not" was the only reply Hansol muttered as he bumped into Chan and made his way inside the Employee's quarters. 

He wanted to follow Hansol or Seungkwan or Minghao, but the fear took over and so he ran. Away from everything, away from Seungcheol, away from Minghao, away from the people. 

He made his way to his room, locking his door, shutting everyone out.  

Ah, the feeling's all new to him. The feeling of dread, the feeling of crying but every time he tries to cry he can't: He remembers his time when he was a kid his father will hit him for crying. "A king wouldn't show weakness, Lee Jung Chan" his father would always say. 

During those times he would run to Wonwoo, and now he really, really, really wanted to run to his brother. 

Wonwoo's deep voice always made him calm. 

And now he wishes Wonwoo was here. God, it's been what? Three years? Yeah, it's been three years since he last talked to Wonwoo.

He reached for his phone and scrolled down to Wonwoo's contacts. He wish, Wonwoo hasn't changed his number and tapped the call button. 

His fingers are shaky, his heart is beating. 

"Chan" Wonwoo's voice was always composed and calm and he hated it.

He's here having a crappy day and Wonwoo's voice was somewhat calm and it annoys him. He envies his brother and how much smart, handsome, and composed he is.

"I need you" he whispered. 

He tried crying but as if his body's already rejecting the thought.

Wonwoo calmly asked what's going on and he Chan, as if some little kid told everything to his big brother. He told everything, starting from the first meeting with Seungcheol up to what happened at Jihoonies. He didn't leave any single detail and made sure Wonwoo understood everything.

When he was done Wonwoo sighed "please comeback" Chan murmured and again another heavy sigh came out of Wonwoo.

"You that I can't Chan" he said.

Chan's heart broke again, he knows and Wonwoo knows its because of him that Wonwoo can't comeback but his brother opted to chose not to rub it in his face--his brother, who only listened to him and didn't scowled at him or ignored him.

Come to think of it, Wonwoo could've ignored his call but he didn't.

Guilt washed over him

"I-I'm sorry Wonwoo" he said "comeback and I'll tell Mom and Dad what really happened" he continued. 

A soft gasp was heard from the other line.

"A-and say hi to Soonyoung for me" he forced a laugh and ended the call. 

There's still time. He can fix everything--apologize to Seungkwan and to Minghao and pretty much everyone. Show them he's  changed.

He shakily opened his door and walked out, the castle maids looking at him--he walks like a zombie, his legs feels like jell-o and he's pale all over you'd think he was dead. 

The Prince [Chancheol]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें