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The morning sunshine peaked through the curtains, shining it's golden rays on the two boys in bed. There was Sebastian Michaelis, a 6'1" 26 year old with jet black hair and maroon eyes. He worked as a photographer as well as a part time baker. He always wore a smirk on his face and a glint in his eye.

Then there was Ciel Phantomhive, a 5'4" 22 year old with dyed blueish-gray hair and bright blue eyes. He worked a part-time job at a local cafe and at a gothic/emo fashion store at the mall, along with going to college. He wore an eternal glare to go along with his short temper and trademark frown. But, Sebastian could always bring a smile to his face.
The couple had been dating for almost two years, and they had been loving every moment of it. The first time they met was when Sebastian had stopped at the Café Ciel was working at. Ciel had scribbled a really cheesy pickup line on his cup (along with his phone number) and it was love at first sight.
The two were currently spooning in Ciel's bed that was fit for several Kings. They had stayed up late the night before, watching some anime and eating chocolate.
Ciel's eyes fluttered open as he woke up, feeling comforted in his boyfriend's embrace. As much as he didn't want to, he needed up get up and go to work. He attempted to wriggle out of the taller one's grasp but failed.
"Sebastian..." Ciel sighed quietly, "I need to go to work... I'm going to be late." Sebastian let out a slight grumble, tightening his loving hold on his boy.
"Take a sick day..." He mumbled into Ciel's hair.
Ciel sighed in annoyance.
"Sebastian.." He said a bit more firmly. Sebastian grumbled again. Ciel grabbed ahold of the older one's wrists and tried prying them off of him, but to no avail.
"You're terribly ill, Ciel... Take a sick day.." He said.
"I'm perfectly fine, Sebastian, get off!" The younger exclaimed, but the older did not yield.
After a few more futile attempts Ciel gave up, letting out an exasperated sigh.
"Fine," he surrendered and was immediately enveloped in a new, warm embrace from his lover, this time facing him. Ciel couldn't help but drift back to sleep on his love's chest.

When Ciel awoke again it was from the smell of something delicious, Earl Grey tea, along with some chocolate cakes. The bluenette looked up at his raven haired boyfriend who was holding the tray in front of him.
"Chicken noodle soup is on the way," Sebastian said with a bit of teasing in his voice. Ciel couldn't help but smile a bit at his lover's actions.
He sat up and Sebastian placed the tray on his lap.
"I'll be back," he said after kissing Ciel's forehead. Ciel would be lying if he said he didn't hate seeing Sebastian leave but love watching him go.
He started munching on the cakes when Sebastian came back in with some buttered toast and a bowl of actual chicken soup. He set them down on the bedside table then climbed back into bed, snatching the remote and turning on the TV. They began to watch a new anime as Ciel ate and Sebastian crocheted (he was making a scarf for Ciel).

A few hours later, Sebastian had gone to an urgent photoshoot and Ciel went to his job at the café after a miraculous recovery.

Around 2:00, when lunch hour rush had ended and after school rush hadn't begun, a hooded figure strode into the nearly empty Café. He walked up to the counter where Ciel was standing and, without a word, handed him the end of a string that had been trailing behind him. Once Ciel took ahold of the string, the hooded figure dashed out of the shop.
"What the hell?" Ciel questioned. He looked at the blue yarn he held in his hand as he moved around the counter. He started following the string, rolling it up as he went along.
It went out of the shop and down the street, twisting around a few buildings. Ciel felt as if the string were never ending, and he would be chasing it for the rest of his life. It went around to the park and wound around a bunch of trees and went through the jungle gym.
Then, finally, the string came to an end. It was tied around the arm of a bench by a pond surrounded with trees- mostly weeping willows. On the bench sat his beloved Sebastian in a dashing tuxedo. Ciel gave him a quizzical look which soon turned to astonishment as Sebastian got on one knee, reaching into his pocket. Ciel felt his eyes already begin to water as Sebastian took his hand and began his speech.
"Ciel," he said, looking into his lover's eyes, "from the very first time I laid eyes on you, my heart burst with adoration... And when I read what you wrote on my cup... " he chuckled a bit, "I knew I loved you.... I remember those words like it was yesterday... 'I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you instead?'" Ciel blushed at the memory of the cheesy pickup line.
     "I think we have spent enough time with each other to know who we are... Ciel Phantomhive, would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?" Sebastian asked. Memories off all the good times they had and all the emotions he felt around Sebastian flooded over him and he felt the flood gates open, tears streaming down his face.
"Yes, Sebastian, yes!! I will!! I love you!" He managed to say between sobs, wrapping his arms around his tall lover as he stood up.
     Sebastian lifted Ciel's hand while they were in an embrace and slipped a blue diamond ring onto Ciel's left hand. Their lips met in a kiss that was so passionate, so filled with love and adoration, that they would remember it for years to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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