School Struggles- 5 to 6 years old

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First day of school and Shiro's protective daddy mode is kicking in.

Everyone with their little lion backpacks

Pidge in little knee high socks and shorts and Polo Shirt not worried but excited for school.

Lance in shorts and a t-shirt already planning his little pranks.

Keith in all black sulking in the back seat of the car.

Hunk overly excited to meet more people. He made cookies with daddy the night before to pass out.

Shiro shooing them out of the car and fussing over them as all the other moms stare and giggle.

The paladins going inside as a group as Shiro stands outside and tries not to cry as his kids grow up.

Shiro goes home and Allura comes over and makes him coffee to try to cheer him up.

Three hours later Shiro gets a call that Lance and Keith stole all the snacks from the teachers lounge and now they're locked in the bathroom and won't come out.

After Shiro goes back and gets the boys out, he scolds them for acting out as he angrily eats one of the stolen donuts.

As he's about to leave, the principle calls him in and says that they would like to move Pidge up a few grades if that was ok.

It had only been a few hours but Pidge had already outsmarted the teacher and reprogrammed the projector for their amusment.

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