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I wake up cradled in Peyton's arms. I kiss him on the forehead and slip out of the sleeping bag. I attempt to start a fire but fail pretty miserably, so I decide to go back to bed. I again curl up to Peyton and drift off to sleep again. *Johanna's dream* "Ahhh! Stop no!" I'm being burned by my father. I'm tied up to a pole pleading him to stop. Then I see it, Peyton! "Peyton , help!" I call at him. He just looks at me with a smirk on his face, "You really think I would save you?" he says emphasizing the 'you'. "I don't love you so why would I save you?" the words sting, "B-but you're my best friend! My boyfriend!" I shriek. I just now realize that I'm still on fire, "Face it honey, he doesn't love ya! In fact, no one does!" he yells hysterically to himself. Soon Peyton stars laughing, then Chris a-and Kenna. And Taylor and Jess! They're all laughing at me! The fires getting higher, its up to my chest! I scream as loud as I can. *End of dream*

"Johanna! Johanna, its okay! It's okay, shhh!" I wake up to the soothing sound of Peyton's voice. "P-Peyton" I whisper, "Johanna I'm here, what do you need?" he asks concerned. "What

happened? Why is everyone over here?" Everyone was circling me looking down at me. "You had a nightmare and started thrashing, crying and screaming" I look at everyone. They all stare at me with looks of concern. "I- I'm s-sorry" I whisper before sobs rack my body. Everyone pulls me into a group hug, even Caleb. I have awesome friends.

"Hey everyone," Peyton says a little loud, "Why don't you go eat breakfast?" "What about you and Jo?" McKenna questions, "We'll be fine" Peyton says sternly in a way that sounds like 'leave us alone'. They all go and start snacking on trail mix and beef jerky. "Jo, what happened in your dream?" Peyton asks seriously, "I-I was tied to a p-pole," I continue to studdered, "A-and my dad was setting me on fire. Then I saw you and I asked you to help me. b-but," I start crying again, "But what?" Peyton asks concerned "You asked why would you help me and you said that you didn't love me. Then my dad starts laughing a-and so does everyone else" I managed to get the last part out before sobs racked my body again. "Hey,hey Jo its okay" Peyton says in a soothing voice, "I will always love you" He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips. I kiss him back, he seems startled but soon relaxes. We pull back and he picks me up bridal style and brings me to where the fire is.

We start walking back the way we think we're going to reach the house. Again Caleb is on Devin's back. I also soon get tired so Peyton scoops me up and carries me like a baby. I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my nose by his shoulder. "Now I actually can call you 'baby J'!" he says cleverly. I playfully slap his arm. "Oh! Ow! She hit me really hard" he says dramatically. We keep walking for a little while longer. I start to play with the small amount of water in the crevices of rocks. Eventually it all adds up and I have a huge glob of water following us. I spread it out so its a stream of water. I see Caleb look at it in awe. I keep doing it for a while when I feel a presence ahead of us. "Stop" I say loud and stern. The all stop and look at me, "Someone's up ahead of us" Peyton slowly puts me down. Jessica shifts into a wolf and Christina and McKenna put a force field around us. Taylor disappears and Devin and Caleb both make rock walls on the sides. Tris and Cody's hands are on fire and Peyton's in a fighting stance. "Come out now!" I yell, "We don't mean harm!" they don't come out. I push the water around the trees to where I assume they are. I then make a wall of water and push it forward.

After about three seconds they come out. There are four of them. "Who are you?" the tall one with blonde hair and blue eyes asks. He is very tall and muscular, he wears a white shirt and jeans. "Uh...I am Johanna and this is Peyton, Christina, McKenna, Taylor, Jessica, Devin, Caleb, Tris and Cody." I say pointing to each. His eyes linger on Taylor, but then look away. "May we ask you the same?" "Uh, yeah, I'm Zack, and this is Cameron, Luke, and my little brother Caden." I see Taylor, Chris, and Kenna staring at Luke, Cameron, and Zack. The others stare back. Everyone lets down their guard. "What are you doing out here?" the one I think Cameron asks. "We got lost and we were just on our way back." Peyton adds a bit sourly. "Oh, well you're going the wrong way." Luke says. Before I can say anything Taylor says excitedly "Then can you help us?" "Sure, my pleasure!" Zack says.

The Girl who Played with WaterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang