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Drip! Drip! Drip! The water dripped from the bath tub faucet onto my hand. I morphed the blob into a small sphere of water. I then swirled the sphere around my head and twirled it like a sprinkler before returning it back to the bath tub. My mom had told me I was special.

Long before my sister and I were born, my mom and dad met and instantly fell in love. They both had special abilities, like my dad could make fire do anything, like my sister, and my mom could make water do whatever she wanted it to, like me. Fire and water weren't supposed to be together. My mom thought that it didn't matter. But it did, she soon found out that he was using his ability for bad instead of good. He set people's houses on fire and even set a forest on fire. My mother didn't like that, so she simply told him to leave so he did, and he never came back

"Johanna, are you done in there?!?" " Uh, yeah mom!" I jumped out of the bath tub and dried myself off. I hopped into bed teeth brushed, dressed in a tank top and sweat pants. My dog, Spark, jumped onto my bed. He curled up into a ball beside me. His presence made me feel safe but not enough to make the nightmares disappear. I woke up screaming, lying in my cold sweat. My sister Beatrice, came rushing into my room and came over and held me on my bed. She started to stoke my hair. "It's okay Jo, it's okay!" My sister said in a calm voice. I'd always hated my name, but this time, it actually comforted me. I went back to bed without any other problems.

The next day, my ash colored boxer was following me around while I got ready for school. I don't think he was steady about what happened last night. I packed my bag and hoped on the bus. I sat next to my best friend, Peyton. "Hey Baby J" He said. "Hey P." I said back. He calls me that because I'm am

almost a year younger than he is. We've known each other since kindergarten. Both of our parents have abilities. His mother has Earth moving abilities and his dad has plant growth abilities. His dad's ability is kinda weird, but Peyton's ability doesn't even come from his parents. Peyton has super strength or something like that. His family's awkward, but they treat me like a daughter. Same with my parents to him. As we reach the school, I can see Elizabeth Edwards flirting with Peyton. Of course who wouldn't. Perfect dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, and strong arms strong enough to stop a bull in its run, literally! I made sure to let Elizabeth in front of me and when we were walking down the stairs, stuck my foot a couple inches away from hers. Next thing I know, her pretty new coach purse and her are face first in a mud puddle. Oh yeah that happened! Of course I walked over to her and used my 'real voice sounding sarcasm' on her pretending to help her. After I was done I walked with Peyton and he gave me a secret high-five so only we could see it. I'm happy it rained yesterday!

Hey guys sorry thus was a super short chapter! Next chapter will be longer so sorry about the first one!- Kaylee xxx

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