Chapter 93: Teach Me

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, yeah," Vrael sighed, rolling his eyes and flapping a hand. "Scoot along, Mrs. Heseroph!"

When she turned even darker red and stomped outside with a humph, Sinmir's knees buckled and he fell hard on his backside, holding his gut. He was laughing so hard that his face was nearly as red as Ella's, eyes squeezed shut and streaming tears, but by that point, even Gus and Amelia were chuckling a bit.

She kicked the door shut behind her to escape the uproarious laughter in the room, face burning and pride stinging.

Then again, she had to wonder why her pride was stinging.

Her fury faded a little when she thought about it more carefully.

Vrael had definitely only been teasing her... she knew it wasn't malicious. In fact, his jokes had been nothing more than good-natured humor.

After dissecting her own feelings and examining herself, she realized that she hadn't been angry because he'd teased her about anything. She'd gotten angry because of the power she'd placed in everyone's hands.

Personal knowledge like her true feelings gave them power over her, and the anger had stemmed from her dislike of that sensation.

In a nutshell?

She'd been embarrassed.

And she REALLY didn't like being embarrassed.

"I'll have to sit down and tell him that it bothers me later on," she muttered, carrying Xaphile's plate of food across the island. "If I am going to change for the better, I must hold my temper and properly communicate with people. And I must also listen to what others are saying."

After she said it, she realized something and blinked.

She had changed immensely.

Three months ago, she had been the type of person who had given commands, no questions asked, and she had been very stubborn and reluctant to listen to what others had to say.

If she'd deemed their words unimportant, she'd ignored them, and practically everything unrelated to her training in swordplay or her political responsibilities had been unimportant to her.

For nearly three years, she had completely disregarded people's words, and looking back on that time made her realize that what she'd originally valued as important had changed.

She didn't really understand how a boy like Xaphile had wormed his way into her heart, but it didn't really matter in the end, because now that he was there, she wasn't planning on letting him out again.

She wanted him.

And even though he'd said he couldn't accept her feelings, he had still marked her, so Ella was going to make use of the second bond she'd been given by opening her heart to him as much as she possibly could.

She had, after all, made more than a little progress with him since they'd gone from being enemies who hated each other to friends in only three months.

Who was to say that love wasn't something in store for the future?

It wouldn't be easy, that much she knew, but she was willing to take the chance if only it would make him happy.

Peering around as she walked, she looked for the object of her internal musings and wonders, feeling herself growing a little skeptical. She had been looking around for more than a little while, and she was beginning to wonder if Vrael had played yet another joke on her, but then, after moving into the small copse of trees on the island, she found him.

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