twenty third

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Hearing the door open, the siblings instantly turned their heads in unison. "Special delivery!" Felix announced, that wide grin plastered across his face. Behind him, Christian trailed close by, smiling when his eyes met Alex's.

"You took forever," she quipped, opening her arms to pull him in for a hug. He laughed, wrapping his arms around her real quick. "We had a lot of tough decisions to make," he explained.

Erik scowled as Felix set the food on the table. "I've been starving for too damn long," he grumbled, eyeing the food impatiently. Before they knew it, they were already eagerly digging into the food.

In the midst of their ongoing conversations, Alex turned to Christian, "hey, how's your grandma? Haven't heard from her in awhile." Christian casually shrugged, "she's doing fine. Busy woman you know, with her dessert catering and all."

Alex nodded, watching as Christian sneakily nabbed a ravioli from her plate. "It's pretty good. Seems I have great taste," he mumbled after popping it into his mouth. A smirk crept up to her lips, and she could do nothing but laugh in return.

"Here, have some of mine," he said, filling his spoon with his pasta. He gently guided it into her open mouth, earning an odd gagging noise from Felix. "Get a room," he jested, Erik nodding in agreement beside him.

Christian glowered at him, as Alex giggled once again. "Guys, I have an idea," Christian suddenly declared. "Let's FaceTime my grandma, I kinda miss her right now," he reached into his bag for his phone.

"For real?" Alex queried, to which Christian nodded in response. Erik and Felix exchanged glances before Erik shrugged. "I'm up for that. I love your granny!"

The four of them squeezed closer to each other, giving the chance for Alex to casually hug Christian's arm. It didn't take very long for his grandmother to answer the call. In fact, she seemed well acquainted with the technology much to everyone's surprise.

"Oh it's you lot," she greeted the four persons who were waving enthusiastically at the screen. "Grandma, why are you talking all British?" Felix quipped, causing the other three to laugh in the background.

"Been watching them dramas lately, Felix," she said matter-of-factly, a smile across her face. "And you look swell, Erik," she turned to the other blonde, who grinned in reply. "I'll always look swell for you, grandma."

Alex made a face at her brother, nudging him. Why her brother was always joking around, she could never understand. "And who do we have here?" She suddenly asked, drawing Alex's attention back to the screen.

Christian glanced at her, flashing her a quick smile. Sheepishly, she shot a smile back. He hadn't told his grandmother about Alex, or his family at that. But he wouldn't mind it if his grandmother was the first to know. It would be great if he could somehow surprise her.

"This is Erik's little sister, Alex –" he began. Beside him, Alex smiled sweetly, determined to give off the best first impression. "Who's also his girlfriend!" Felix interjected cheekily, earning an annoyed glare from Christian.

Is it normal to want to strangle your best friend sometimes? Christian thought. Alex playfully punched Felix, who was still snickering while Erik was doing his best to hold back the laughter.

"Oh? Erik's little sister?" His grandma responded, both shock and astonishment evident on her face. "You seem lovely, since you're a kin of Erik's," she concluded. Alex couldn't wipe the grin off her face at the compliment, which even got Erik beaming smugly.

"Well, tell me your story," she continued. Her request caught everyone by surprise; they definitely hadn't prepared for that. "It's a long story, grandma," Alex tried, with Erik and Felix nodding knowingly in the background.

She dismissed it, swatting the air in front of her, "I have time."

Christian and Alex exchanged glances, unsure of where to begin. Because the truth was, it really was a long story. But for the few seconds they stared at each other, Christian figured out exactly where he was going to start.

"Let's just say, I willingly gave myself in sweet surrender," he said, keeping his eyes on her. She turned to him upon hearing his words, and the inevitable smile made it's way to her lips again. Holding her gaze, he smiled; the only thing ever knew to do now that he finally had her.

"And I'm glad I did."



A/N: OH HELL NO. Nooooooooo. I'm just as gutted as you guys that this story is done ): But eventually their story had to come to an end and thankfully it did so on a great note! ☺

To everyone who has read this book I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. THANK YOU for all the votes and comments, I'd give you guys a million hearts if I could! 😂

But anyway I really hope you enjoyed the book and know that it means the world to know people actually read my books. Thank you once again! ☺️💕

PS, everyone is welcomed to check out my new book in Sorted featuring Erik Durm :) Cheers and have a great day, loves!

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