Nick eyes widen as he saw his 2 Underlings who he was told were dead but is standing before him now. " Kali...Gregor?"

Nick sees that Kali has Marie trapped in a sphere hovering above their head. Which then angers nick as Kali is holding one of his underlings/comrade hostage.

 "Its nice to see you to master..." Gregor says.

"What is the meaning of this why the hell did you attack this place....Namjoons home of all places." Nick snarls at the both of them

       "To kill them of course dont tell me, have you forgotten master we are the 9 demon emporers we dont care about lives who care about destruction." Kali begins draining Marie life slowlying within that sphere. but nick swiftly charges at Kali and leaps into the air and punches the sphere shattering it and taking marie to saftey.Nick leaves her by Yoongi and Tae who were both recovering from the explosion but were still conscious.

      "Watch over her." Nick demands.

Taehyung and Yoongi both nod their head. Kali and Gregor both are in shock that Nick some what betrayed them but it was them who betrayed their master.

 " hmph if you both are really that foolish to appose your master then i have no use for you both, ounce i kill you both and drain you power i will have no use for the both of you and lets just get one thing straight the other 5 emporers are here with me so while you were causing havok they were here with us protecting people." Nick snarls at the both of them and his eyes begin glowing a light blue color.

      "hmph i see no wonder we heard so many rumors that you were weak...and soft what happen to our ruthless master." Kali says.

Nick swiftly charges at both kali and gregor in a zig zag motion and strikes them both with a 3 hit combo causing them both to be staggered. " i am still ruthless but when you threaten my friends and my comrades you have crossed the line."

   Marie slowly opens her eyes and sees that where she is laying is next to Taehyung and yoongi and she spots Jimin unconscious by one of the fountains that is infront of the mansion. Marie quickly runs over to Jimin and tries to Drag him to Tae and Yoongi , but as she was trying she was lent a hand by Jungkook who just arrived back at the house along with Namjoon.

       "Marie? what happen-" Namjoon stops his sentence and acknowledges Kali and Gregor standing infront of nick. Namjoon is completely breatheless because the 2 the people that almost ended his life were standing right before his very eyes. Namjoons eyes began to glow yellow and his quickly charges and blind sides Kali and Gregor with a fierce strike to the mid section and leaps into the sky and lands next to nick.

     "Sorry about your house buddy" Nick says.

Namjoon smiles. " No worries i can have it payed to get fixed."

   Kali and Gregor both stand up and growl at both Namjoon and nick while Jungkook was protecting Marie along with Taehyung and Yoongi and a unconscious Jimin.

Kali and Gregor were Nicks most loyal underlings but since they were prosumed dead nick had no use for them anymore. Kali takes the form of a youngslim young woman of average height distinguished by her Eastern look: her long, straight and glossy purple hair, reaching down to her lower back, while mostly left loose, being parted in the middle of her forehead and sporting two bangs framing her face and going down below her shoulders, her hair is also tied into a pair of bun-shaped Dango loops at both sides of her head, and a braid is present some inches below each of such loops.wearing a strapless dress highly reminiscent of a "Cheongsam".  a large slit in correspondence to Kali left leg, exposing her thigh, and comes secured to her body by a number of dark laces on the back and to her right side, exposing a part of her right breast's back side, and by a line of metal fasteners taking the shape of two horizontally-placed triangles with their bases linked together on her front left side. Such garment is dark in its back part where the laces are, and light-colored on the front, where a large decorative motif. Kali is dangerous in many ways and she knows almost all of her opponenets weakness except her masters because shes never actually seem him use his full power.

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