Chapitre Vingt: Un cœur plein d'amour.

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Sorry it took so long for me to update, I have been super busy and I was sick.  Thank you guys for reading and feel free to comment (requests/feedback/suggestions)

~The Author


I end up falling asleep soon after I received the note and wake up the following morning.  I sit up in the bed I slept on and walked over to the door.  I have been sitting in here for about five days.  During those five days I have not eaten or heard anything from Erik.  Not a song from his organ, not a breath, or a footstep.  I have grown worried about him from not hearing anything.  I have truly hurt him.... but he hurt me, he betrayed me.  I reach for the doorknob but then walk back to the bed grabbing my mask which lays next to the note from him and the now dried out rose.  I carefully pick up the rose and gently place in to my chest.  I feel tears well up in my eyes, I do truly love him, I have not admitted that to myself since the night I sat in the rain on the roof. 

While placing it back down I took my cape tying it around my shoulders and adjusting my mask so my face was covered.  During the past few days I was left by myself to sit and think, and sing.  Never did Erik ever escape my mind.  Where ever I looked I saw him, yet he was never there.  I mostly sung from the heart, composing things in my mind without an organ or piano.  When I was not singing the songs I wrote I sung songs I remember that Erik would sing or the ones he sung to/with me.  I scratched down the lyrics on parchment I found around the room.  

After I am dressed I walk back to the door.  I hesitantly reach for the doorknob unlocking it.  Erik probably had a key but was kind enough not to use it and leave me be, yet I still worried for him no matter what he did to me.  My slim rough hand meets the cold metal as I open the door.  I peak around the corner not seeing anyone in the lair.  Still I stick to the shadows looking around to find Erik.  I see a quick  flash of a cape, signalling Erik was truly here when I also saw the glint of the candle light off of him mask identical to mine.  I walk over to the organ and sit down, looking at the keys for a split second then turning towards where Erik hides in the shadows.

I huff then say, "Come out Erik."  When he makes no move to come out thinking I could not see him I add.  "Erik I know you are there.  Come out!"

Erik slowly walks out of the shadows his dark cape and clothing enveloping him so I could only make out his face, half covered with a mask.  He hesitantly walks towards me, stopping a few yard to my left.  I turn to face him trying to meet his eyes but he keeps looking down.  

Forcefully I say to him, "Erik look at me in the eye!"  Erik obeys me and looks up, his golden eyes meeting my pale blue and black one.  Softly I add, "Please come here..."

Erik obeys and stops a few feet away from him.  I motion for him to sit next to me.  He gives me a look of confusion and fear but still sits next to me.  I look over at him and he flinches on instinct.  "Oh Erik, don't flinch please.  I won't hurt you, I would never hurt you."

Erik turns and his golden eyes meet mine again, "H-how can you sit here with me when I betrayed and hurt you?"

I look down at the keys and begin to play them, "Honestly, I've been asking myself the same question.  I locked myself in that room for five days, not knowing anything.  I was worried when I did not hear from you, I didn't hear a note played on the organ, a footstep, or even a breath...  I was truly worried..."

"But why," asks Erik.  I look down back to the keys and begin to sing a song I ended up scribbling on a paper during those five days... this time putting it with something then just my own voice.

 "I have never felt like this

For once I'm lost for words

Your smile has really thrown me.

This is not like me at all

I never thought I'd know

The kind of love you've shown me."

Erik's eyes widen as he watches me as I continue to sing looking away from him back to the organ.

"Now, no matter where I am

No matter what I do

I see your face appearing

Like an unexpected song

An unexpected song

That only we are hearing"

Erik continues to watch me with admiring wide golden eyes.

"I don't know what's going on

Can't work it out at all

Whatever made you choose me

I just can't believe my eyes

You look at me as though

You couldn't bare to lose me."

Erik half nods as in agreement.  I look over to him when he does seeing if he was still looking at me, which he was.

"Now, no matter where I am

No matter what I do

I see your face appearing

Like an unexpected song

An unexpected song

That only we are hearing"

I truly did love Erik, and I was now telling him through this song.  Erik did not recoil or look at me with hate, he looked at me in amazement and darn I say love.  

"I have never felt like this

For once I'm lost for words

Your smile has really thrown me.

This is not like me at all

I never thought I'd know

The kind of love you've shown me."

"Now no matter where I am

No matter what I do

I see your face appearing

Like an unexpected song

An unexpected song

That only we are hearing"

My fingers slow down as I end the song.  

"Like an unexpected song

An unexpected song

That only we are hearing!"

I keep my eyes down at my hands not wanting to see Erik's reaction.  It could either be a good or bad reaction and I did not want to find out if it was a bad reaction.  I hurt him, I left him a few days ago and when I finally came back I fought with him and closed him out again.  He had no reason to love me like I did him.  I feel tears forming in my eyes but push them back, Erik could not see me cry.

I feel cold fingers pull my face to face Erik.  His eyes are glistening with tears threatening to fall.  Great he was scared of me and pitied me for my face still.  My own tears threatened to fall with this thought. Erik takes a breath and I prepare for rejection.

He sings softly, "Hailey... I love you."

My eyes widen and my tears fall, "I love you too, Erik."  I feel his arms wrap around me, we stay like that for a while but then he pulls away.  I was disappointed until he crashed his lips onto mine.

~~~~~~Un cœur plein d'amour. ~~~~~

Look With Your Heart and Not with Your Eyes- Phantom of the Opera FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora