Chapitre Dix-Sept: Le Garçon De Chant

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I am jolted awake when I hear the water being pushed around in the lair.  I jump up and throw my cape on and readjust my mask before hiding in the shadows peering around the curtain towards who was trespassing in the lair.  My eyes find Madame Giry walking out of the water, and looking around the lair.  I sink deeper into the shadows gripping my dagger with my left hand behind my back.  She runs her hand through her hair bringing her braid to her right shoulder.  Her eyes wander around the lair looking at every detail.  She begins to walk around the lair and my eyes follow her drilling holes into her skull.  I watch her as she walks over to Erik's desk which has papers and music sheets covering its surface and piling up so high you can not see the top.  Her fingers brush on the dusty surface.  She looks down at it and frowns.  

I glare at her more as she walks up the steps towards Erik's organ.  She takes a few steps towards it and looks around looking if anyone is watching.  She does not notice that I was there with her.  She than proceeds to walk right up to the organ.  But before she can touch it, before she can even breath on it I have my knife to her throat and my hand pulling her head back.

I dig my dagger into her neck not quite breaking skin.  I whisper into her ear, "I thought I told you not to come find me."  I see her hands shaking as she tries to push me off, I don't budge.

She says her voice quivering, "I-I wasn't looking for you... I was searching for Erik."

I tighten my grip on her, "Erik is not here Madame."

"He is alive, I know you know it," she counters.

"I do not know what you are talking about.  I do not know an Erik, and why on Earth would he be here.  I am here alone," I growl in her ear keeping my grip on her when she tries to struggle.

"You might know him as the Phantom, The Phantom of the Opera," Madame Giry says I can feel her smirk.

I pull her head back more, "I can assure you that the Phantom of the Opera is not here Madame.  He died long ago, when the chandelier crashed."

I feel her smugness when she speaks, "How do you know about that?"

I say bitterly, "If you do not remember Madame, I once was a worker here.  The maids and stage hands talk.  Now go and never return.  If I see you again here, or if you come searching for me again I will kill you."

I drop my grip on her and she falls on the ground coughing but quickly jumps up and hurries away out of the lair.  I growl flaring my cape behind me turning around once she is out of sight.  That woman annoys me, if she steps out of hand one more time she will be dead for sure.  It was all her fault that the twins did this to me.  If she never kicked me out for a lie told by Carlotta I would still be normal.  I should have just killed her when I had the chance.  I should never have come here in the first place.  I should have ran from that woman maybe then I this would never have happened.  I groan again before facing the organ wanting to play, I half jump when I see Erik sitting there looking at me.  

He half smirks at me before saying, "What's wrong?"

I try to glare at him but fail, "Did you just see that?  Madame Giry was here."

He looks at me wide eyed, "Why was she here?"

"She said that she was looking for you.  I told her you were not here, that you were dead," I say rolling my eyes.

His eyes widened more if that was even possible, "You talked to Madame Giry!"

I nodded and glared at him, "This is not that first run in I have had with that woman.  Both times it did not end well for her."

Look With Your Heart and Not with Your Eyes- Phantom of the Opera FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now