Chapitre Seize: S'il Vous Plaît Ne

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I feel myself crumble to the ground with the weight of everything that I have experienced in my life crashes down on me.  I sit with my back to the cold stone while the rain soaks my clothes.  I do not care for I do not want to move, I just want to stay here forever.  I lift my hand to my mask and rip it off, touching my exposed face.  I cry harder and scratch at it in anger and desperation.  I sit there scratching at my face as the rain falls roughly.  Why did this have to happen to me?  Out of everyone in the world why did I have to have everything that has happened to me happen?  Why did I have to be abandoned?  Why did I have to steal from people to live and then run from them?  Why did I have to have the twins hunting me since I was a young child?  Why did I have to be thrown out by the Opera House?  Why did I have to suffer through the pain the twins caused me after?  Why did they have to hurt me?  Why did I have to have this blasted face?  I let out another sob and dig my fingernails into my cheek.

When I remove my hand from my face there is blood on my hands and dripping down my face.  I shake my head and look down at my lap and let my head hit the stone behind me.  I sing to myself once again trying to calm myself down-

Look with your heart and not with your eyes.  

The heart understands the heart never lies.

I was mid song when I hear a door open to the roof.  I snatch my mask up and place it on my face ignoring the pain and scramble behind the gargoyle silently and not being seen.  I feel blood still running down my face and ignore the fact that it will be on the inside of my mask, if not also showing what can be seen.  What catches my eye is that there is a faint pink color near where I sat, the blood from my face must have dripped on the ground.  I widen my eyes when I realize that if whoever is on the roof sees it they would know I was here too.  I slide off the statue and blend into the shadows as I slide behind another statue.  

I peak around the corner of it trying to catch whoever was on the roof with me.  A dark cape flashes in the corner of my vision.  I walk to the other side of the statue to get a better view of the figure.  It quickly turns toward me and I blend back into the shadows.  A familiar white mask faces me.  Erik walks toward me and I back more back into the shadows.  He glides and strides in my direction.  I change my direction and side step his hand that tries to grasp at me.  He turns around his back facing me and I back away from him.  He notices quickly I did not go that way and turns towards me.

We go into a dance of him trying to grab me and me backing away.  He does not know it is me, instead he thinks it is someone from the Opera Populaire.  Our dance goes on for a while and I can tell he is getting irritated when he grunts.  The Phantom is very smart and positioned himself that would make me step out of the shadows.  I do not notice this until I am out of the shadows and he can see me.  His face is shocked at first then he goes to grab my hand.  I back away and turn and run but slip after a few steps on the wet ground and tumble down my body hitting the rough ground.  I go to push myself back up and see a hand reaching down towards me.  I take his hand and get up but quickly turn away from him.

"I was looking for you, I was worried when you did not come back," Erik say behind me.  I nod slightly and begin to walk away.  He senses that something is wrong and quickly grab my hand when I am off guard and turns me around.  

His face drops and says quietly, "Hailey... what happened?" 

I stay silent and drop my head towards the ground looking at my black shoes.

His voice raises in a defensive way, "Hailey, what happened? Tell me, who did this to you?"

I shake my head and answer his question quietly, "You are looking at her..."

Look With Your Heart and Not with Your Eyes- Phantom of the Opera FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now