Chapitre Douze: Meurtrier Masqué

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Oh my gosh!  Yesterday I saw Phantom of the Opera and it was the best thing ever!  Words can not describe it!  The cast, lighting, stage, music, and just everything was amazing!  Anyway sorry for the wait, I had this ready and thought I posted it but I guess I did not.  So sorry!  Here you guys go!  Feel free to leave comments, vote, and if you want to a request whether it is for a character or something that you want to see happen.

~The Author


I hear the Phantom's feet behind me, to any other person they would not hear his feet.  Though being around him and knowing that we are very similar I trained myself to hear him more before I saw him, yet sometimes he still does sneak up on me.  The only reason I was going to the roof was to get air and knowing that if I was around him anymore I would either get angry at him or break down in front of him.  Yet here I am with him as my guest to a place I go when I want to be alone.  I set out of the way of a trap just in time, I look behind me to see that he has his eyes on me watching my every movement as if to be studying me.  I turn back around to face the door to the roof that was hidden if you did not know about it.  I step out onto the roof and walk to the edge of it looking down at the streets of Paris wondering if they were still searching for me.  I look down once again wondering how far up we were from the ground.  I shake that off and step away from the edge and walk over to one of the walls farthest away from the front of the Opera House.  The same place I was when the Phantom took off my mask when I first met him, when he thought I was just acting.  I shrink down and sit on the ground a few snow flakes clawing at my hair and my cape, the white little things sticking to my black cape.  I ignore them and just stare off into the distance entrapped in thought.  I feel him sink down and sit next to me, his eyes still glued to me.  I know he wants me to explain what I was doing when he was gone and why exactly I smashed the mirror and what and why I was playing at the organ.  I just did not want to talk at the moment but knew that at some point he was going to find out what I was doing.  Yet, he seemed to let me take time and wait until I wanted to tell him.  I do not know if I will actually ever tell him, time will tell.  

I was still mad at Christine for I do not really know what and was somewhat made at him.  I do not know why I was mad at them, the Phantom for leaving me alone on such sudden notice maybe.  Christine for being so perfect and getting to sing when I know that I will never be able to do such thing because of the wreckage the bakery twins did to me.  I groan and set my head back resting it on the wall.  I feel the Phantom's eyes on me more intensely now, trying to figure me out.  Why is he staring at me and why is he here if I wanted to be alone? Oh right you let him come with, you in fact invited him.  I push myself up from the spot I was sitting and walk back towards the edge of the roof but I stop about halfway and begin to pace back and forth thinking.

Madame Giry did not end up coming to search for me after rehearsal today.  Yet Evan, the new stage hand did.  But if Evan was not in bed a few minutes after he would get in trouble.  Madame Giry is not in charge of the stage hands, she is in charge of the ballerinas.  Madame Giry was at the stage past that time looking for me the previous nights, when she would have been checking to make sure everyone was in their beds.  Something is not fitting right.  I look around trying to figure out this puzzle.  Maybe Evan is not a stage hand.  No he indeed was a stage hand, but he is like me, picked off the streets and brought to the Opera House under Madame Giry's eye.  One thing separates us though, he was not trouble like I was.  He is liked by many people and hated by a few, unlike how I was.  Madame Giry would keep him because of his manners and he made her look good.  She needed someone like that after what happened with me.  Even if Evan were to make a mistake, even bigger than mine I bet Madame Giry would never throw him out.

Look With Your Heart and Not with Your Eyes- Phantom of the Opera FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin