Chapter 11

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We enter the shop to see rows of kimonos and yukatas lining the walls.

There is an exceptionally beautiful floral printed pink and green kimono being displayed on a T-shaped pole displaying its pattern.

Once we enter the shop, a woman comes out and greets us.

"Oh! Hello there young ones! Is there anything I can help you with?" The woman asks us.

She has long dark brown hair and brown eyes. She has a wrinkle on each cheek showing a small amount of age. She had a warm smile, but is doesn't really feel that way.

She's wearing a long green kimono that drags on the floor as she walks. Is has a blue obi with white flowers covering the kimono and obi.

I look over at Kubo as we shouldn't tell her what we're actually here for.

But, we have no idea where the kimono is anyway.

"We're just looking around." Kubo says.

"All right then. But if you need any help, feel free to ask okay?" The woman says with a smile.

We nod our heads and the woman walks to the back with a bit of bounce as she walks.

A little strange way of walking, but she must be just happy to have customers.

I walk up to Kubo and tell him again what the kimono looked like.

"It was a peach and blue kimono with a butterfly on the back." I whisper quietly to Kubo.

He nods his head and the two of us search around.

(B/n) squirms in my obi as we hear a loud crash and a shout.

We turn around to see the woman come back around frightened.

"Can you help me?" She says with a scared.

She runs back and the two of us follow her.

We come out to the back where there is a weaving machine, and lots of fabric.

The weaving machine has broken and fabric is torn and all over the floor.

The woman turns now calm and gives us a terrifying smile.

"Are you hungry? I am." The woman says.

She jumps into a large pile of fabric and seems to sink into it.

Then a lump starts to come up in the fabric, and it grows bigger and bigger.

The fabric falls to the side, and we see a horrifying creature.

It has the upper body of a woman and the abdomen of a black spider with yellow stripes. The upper body is grey with few yellow marks on the arm, she had red eyes with two extra smaller ones on the outside of her original. Her skin is grey and her hair is white.

I grow frightened, and Kubo takes out his shamisen and steps in front of me.

My heart starts to beat a bit faster at his gesture.

The creature lunges towards us, and Kubo uses his papers to help disorient it a little. It also cuts her up a bit.

Kubo continues playing his fast paced tune and the paper cuts into her eyes, blinding her, as blood drips down her cheeks.

I reach over my shoulder to grab the sword that still remains in my scabbard, and I pull it out.

The spider creature comes at us again, but this time, I jump in front of Kubo and slice off the arm she was about to use. She gives a terrifying scream.

Her arm falls onto the ground, and the skin on the arm seems to change. It changes into spider's thread, and falls apart as it sits there, blood in a puddle on the floor.

I shudder at the sight.

But when I look back up at the monster, I see a new arm forming. Spider silk is binding itself together to make a fresh new arm.

The creature, now able to see again, jumps up onto the celling. Her long white hair hangs down and she bends her neck so far back it would have surely broke if it were human.

She flashes a sinister smile as her red eyes glow.

"I know what you're here for." The creature says.

I jump up and slice off a leg and so does Kubo. Both the legs we cut off fall onto the floor next to us. She screams again.

"But you can't have it!" The creature shouts with a terrible hiss.

She jumps off the celling and lunges straight for me. But Kubo jumps in front just before I use my sword.

Kubo makes one strong strum of his shamisen and a blue wave of magic pushes her against the wall making an indentation in the wall.

I look down at the legs, and they did fall apart like her arm, except the blood is different. The blood instead of being red, was actually a cloudy transparent liquid. It was spider's blood.

Why would the arm have human-like blood while the legs have spider blood? Isn't it one body?

I come to a sudden realization with that thought.

She is human, but possessed by a spider demon.

I use my sword and cut off another leg to defend against her. She screams.

"Kubo! Don't hurt her upper body! She's human!" I shout to him.

"How do you know?" he shouts back.

"The blood between her upper body and abdomen is different, like she has two bodies!"

Kubo takes a quick glance at the arm and legs that we cut off the woman. He realizes it too. He looks back at me and nods his head.

With a new target, the two of us aim for her abdomen, because that is where the spider's heart is.

"Oh, young lady. You have something precious there don't you? I will enjoy that as I eat you and your little friend!" She threatens.

The woman comes at us again, but one of her newly-grown legs cuts my arm. Blood starts to soak into the fabric of my yukata.

I lunge at her and aim for her abdomen.

Kubo continues playing his tune, and I see blue sparks soaking into the sword. Kubo is putting magic in the sword.

Using the enhanced sword, I pierce the top of her spider abdomen and she screams a bloodcurdling screech in pain. She falls onto the ground and her body starts to fall apart.

I must have hit her spider heart.

Her spider body falls apart revealing the woman we saw in the beginning. I quickly cover her with some fabric on the floor.

Slowly, she opens her eyes. I sit next to her and sit her up.

"Are you okay?" Kubo asks.

A Story's Beginning (Kubo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now