Chapter 10

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*Kubo's POV*

It is officially dark out, and our only light is the moon.

I look over at (Y/n) and she is really tired. I can see that in how she walks.

Hopefully there is a town nearby. We have been walking for a long time, and the path did become a road, so there has to be a town.

I sigh. I am getting tired.

I take another glance at (Y/n), and the moonlight shines beautifully on her (h/l) (h/c) hair.

I can't help but just stare.

She is beautiful...

I feel my cheeks head up. I look away from her as she turns her head, to hide the fact I was staring.

"Hey Kubo?"

"Yes?" I respond a little quicker than I mean to.

"How is it going to work if we don't reach a town?" (Y/n) asks.

When I look at her, I can see sleep in her eyes. She is really tired.

"Well, then we can make camp somewhere in the forest. I can make a tent if we need to." Kubo says.

"Ugh, I am starting to doubt that we will find a town soon." (Y/n) grunts.

She faces forward but I keep looking at her.

I don't want her to have to sleep in the woods.

I want her to be safe.

I face forward again, and we continue walking.

We soon see small lights in front of us.

"Are those lights?" (Y/n) says.

"I think so!" I respond happily.

The two of us start to speed up, and as we get closer we see buildings. We are finally reaching a town!

We enter though the gates after slowing down to a walk.

He town is still pretty busy, even though it is dark out.

I go up to the nearest person to ask them something.

"Is there an inn or something around here?" I ask.

"Yes there is. It's the only one here, and it's the one on the corner over there." The man says pointing.

"Thank you so much." I say and I walk back to (Y/n).

She yawns as I come back.

"That was a big one." I say to her.

She giggles.

My face heats up when she laughs.

Why do I feel kind of nervous when I'm around her?

I shake off the feeling and the two of us walk to the inn.

We walk inside and go to the desk.

"Do you have any room for two tonight?" I ask.

"Why yes we do. But it's a shared room." The clerk gives us a little smile.

"N-n-no! It's not like that!" (Y/n) says embarrassed.

Her cheeks are red. It's really cute...

"The room has separate futons, so you will be fine." The clerk says.

The of of us nod our heads.

I hand the clerk the yen needed to spend the night, and the two of us go up to our room.

Once were inside we get ready to go to sleep.

I take off my robes and I fold them to put them aside. I face the window as (Y/n) undresses.

She does wear clothes under, but it is still rude to look.

I look out the window and with the lantern shining in our room, I can't see outside very well. But I can see the reflection of the room.

And I faintly see (Y/n) taking off her yukata.

I feel my heart beat speed up a bit and I look away from the reflection.

She gets under the covers and I then turn and face her.

"We have a long day tomorrow. So get some sleep." I say to (Y/n).

"Yeah, I'll get as much... as I... can..."

I laugh at how quickly she went to sleep. Falling asleep that fast doesn't happen too often.

I look at her for a bit deep in thought.

I remember all of the experiences that led up to now so far.

All she did was return my bag to me. Because of that, she saw the warning about her house.

I look at the rise and fall of her chest.

She looks so peaceful.

Then she had her own dream, and right now, we are having a journey more or less like mine...

"We will find your half I promise." I say to her quietly.

I lean back and get into my futon.

Slowly, I fall asleep. Thinking about (Y/n) the whole time.

*Time skip*
*Your POV*

I slowly open my eyes to see that Kubo is already up.

He was eating some fruit for his breakfast.

"Good morning." Kubo says.

"Good morning." I say back to him.

"Here you go. We got to leave soon, the beetle had moved around a bit." Kubo says tossing me a red pear he had in his hand.

I nod my head taking a bite of the fruit.

"How about we name the little guy (B/n)?" I say.

"I like that name. (B/n) it is."

Once we finish and I get my yukata on, the two of us walk out off the inn and follow the beetle.

(B/n) leads us through the town but then he suddenly stops us in front of a kimono shop.

"You want to go shopping?" I say jokingly to (B/n).

Just to test, I turn away, but he squirms and tries to turn back in the direction of the little shop.

I face the shop again, and the little guy in my obi stops moving.

"Alright then. Is my kimono in there? That seems a little ironic." I say to the beetle.

(B/n) nods his little half head and squirms trying to get into the shop.

"Alright alright. Calm down. We're going in." I say to the beetle.

Kubo and I start to walk to the shop.

"Did you see that?" Kubo asks looking intensely at the shop.

"See what?" I ask.

"I-I guess it doesn't matter. Lets go." Kubo says.

I nod my head and the two of us walk through the curtains and enter the shop.

A Story's Beginning (Kubo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now