Chapter 4

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I run inside and Kubo follows. Kubo left his bag outside, so his paper won't burn.

I run to the bedroom to find dad coughing over his futon. I keep my head low.

I cough as I run up to him.

"Dad! Come on! *cough* We need to get out of here! *cough cough*"

I try and lift him up. I put one of his arms around my shoulder and I try to walk. He is heavy.

Through the thick black smoke, I see Kubo coming over to help me.

He puts dad's other arm around his shoulder, and we both bring him outside.

Once he is outside, we set him down and I sit with him.

People from town came over to help, by trying to put the fire out with water.

"Dad! Are you okay?!" I ask.

"*Cough* I am not sure." Dad does his best to speak, but is comes out as a very hoarse whisper.

"How long were you in there?!" My voice is better now, as I wasn't in there long.

"*Cough* Maybe five minutes. *Cough cough*"
Dads voice grown quieter. I start to choke up.

The house is almost put out.

"You'll be okay!" I tell him, even though inside, I don't really believe it.

"I won't *cough* drink to much *cough* when I'm with mom. *cough cough* I promise."

I giggle at this comment. But I am still starting to cry. Dad starts to grow limp. He is dying from all the smoke inhalation.

"Please, say hi to mom for me..." I start to cry harder, accepting the fact that he is slipping away.

"I will. *cough cough cough* Goodbye..."

His last words come out as such a faint whisper I almost didn't hear it.

His body goes limp and heavy in my arms. My head falls down to hide my tears.

Kubo comes over to me and pats my back and rubs it. I turn around and hug him.

When he hugs me back, I feel my face heat up a little, but I ignore it as this is a really hard thing to go through.

I squeeze him and he thankfully lets me, and he continues to hold me for as long as I feel like I need to.

After a while I pull away from him.

I am still crying and sniffling.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)." Kubo says.

I put my face into my hands. But then I take a breath to calm myself, and I stand up on my weak legs.

I start to walk slowly to the house.

"What are you doing?" Kubo asks me.

"I'm going to see what survived." I say.

I enter the house and Kubo comes in with me.

The house still smells of smoke. Except there is another smell. I can't put a name to it. But regardless of weather it's good or bad, I ignore it.

I go to my fathers room.

I see a little box with (f/c) shinny paper sitting on the burnt side-table. The paper has started to burn off the box, revealing a little wooden one underneath.

I walk up to the box and I pick it up. There is a little card that was strapped to it. I look at it and on it is written "(Y/n)." A lot of it was burned, so the only other thing I can make out on the blackened card is "16."

The card falls apart in my hands as it was burned to a crisp. But the parts I could read were the only parts that were in-tack.

"What's that?" Kubo asks me.

"I don't know. It was probably my 16th birthday present."

Kubo looks at me a little funny.

"What?" I say a little sassier than I mean to.

"Well, it's just that you look older than 16." Kubo says.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"W-well, your just really pretty..."

I feel my cheeks start to heat up, and I smile and turn away to hide my embarrassment.

I grab the box and bring it with me as I search the rest of my house.

I find thankfully a few kimonos and yukatas that were just a little singed, as they were at the bottom. There were even a few obis as well.

After a while, Kubo and I stop searching the house. We didn't find much other than what I got.

I put it in the bag I found and I walk with Kubo. But then I stop in my tracks.

"What is it (Y/n)?"

"I don't have a place to stay anymore..." I say.

"Well, I guess you can just stay with my grandfather and I for a while." Kubo says.

"Oh no! I could probably find another place to stay."

"It's okay for a little while. Plus we can't really find you a place right now." Kubo says.

I look around. Kubo is right. The town is quiet and they left.

I slowly not my head, and start walking with Kubo up to the cave.

A Story's Beginning (Kubo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now