A Faunus Ninja

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Play Power Ranger Ninja steel opening

It start with a mysterious ninja star going to earth and dark ninjas appear in shadows.

(GO! GO! POWER RANGERS NINJA STEEL) Shows Shade Academy with ninja star on top of it.

(Crushing evil with all their might together, Ninja Steel) Show Kai and his team. Shows Nick and his team.

(Never give up without a fight together, Ninja Steel) Show Kit and his team. Show Kala and her Team. Show Nya and her team.

(Ninja Rangers, free from danger!) Mick and Redbot in the school office.

(GO GO POWER RANGER X2! GO!) Kai,Nick,Kit,Kala, and Nya spin their stars on their morpher and transform into ninja steel rangers.

(Standing up for what is right together, Ninja Steel) The Ninja Rangers fight the Basher ninjas.

(Watching out at day or night together, Ninja Steel) Galvanax and his army grows.

(Ninja Rangers, free from danger!) The Rangers Summon their zords

(GO GO POWER RANGER X2! GO! Ninja Steel) Their Zords start to combined to a megazord as the ninja ranger turns.

(GO! GO! POWER RANGERS NINJA STEEL) The white ninja steel shoot with the her morpher in bow mode. The red ninja steel slash his enemies. The Pink Ninja steel burn her enemies with her sword. The blue ninja steel made a water shield. The yellow ninja steel Claw his enemies with his morpher in claw mode.

(GO GO POWER RANGER X2! GO! Ninja Steel) The spin their ninja star on their sword. The ninja steel rangers jump up and throw their ninja stars and show the title

Kala wasn't happy about yesterday with Kai. But she was put with three girls Ash,Ema, and Harry and they form KAHE. Kala glide she was leader because she only trust herself to lead. She was in the shower thinking about Kai and rude he was to her. She got out of the shower and the girls locker room to put on her pajamas.

"Hey Kala." said Ash who was right next to her. "Maybe after school tomorrow we can all go to a mall."

"Not interested." said Kala.

"What, why not?"

"I literally don't really care right now."

"Okay, let me know if you change your mind." Ash left leaving Kala alone.

Before Kala can close her locker a white ninja star fell. She pick it up and sit down on the bleachers.

"Hmm, feels like yesterday scene it happen." said Kala as she remember what happen to her home.

Menagerie was attack

Kala doesn't like the Menagerie. It was a home for faunus such as herself. She was there for a vacation with her mom. After her father left to help the humans Kala didn't feel apart with other faunuses. She just stay at home a all she do is help her mother most of the time.

"Kala, is everything alright deary?" her mother ask.

"No, just board mom." Said Kala.

"I know it's not a good place to stay, but we are still who we are."

"Yeah, a bunch of animals who only what rights."

Don't say that."

"Like I care." There was silence.

Her mother never seen her like this. "Lets go home." Said her mother.

However, there was an explosion. Dark ninjas appear and people screaming.

*Every faunus, report to the boats immediately. I repeat depot to the boats immediately.*

"We need to grab our stuff and leave!" Said her mother. Kala and her mother ran back to their house and pack everything. They ran to the docks.

"I'm sorry but the boat is full right now you need to wait." Said the captain.

"Come out and give me your ninja star!" Said a monster that was coming to the docks.

"Zarc-On." Said Mama's mother. She grab her weapon and pull out the white ninja star. "Kala, if something happen to me, I want you to hold this." She put the white ninja star in Kala hands.

"Why?" Kala ask.

"I'm not coming with you."

"What?! You have to come mom!"

"I can't, if it means put you in danger."

"I not leaving with out you!"

"Will you just listen!?" Kala mom was about to cry. "If I don't come, don't let anyone take the ninja star." Kala hug her mom. Her mother hugs back. At the same time they start to cry. Her mother ran back to hold the monster off. "GALVANAX!" She yell at the monster.

"Well,well,well now what do we have here?" said the monster. "Are you here to give me your power star?"

"Like I ever will." Kala saw as the next boat came. She grab both her and her mother's luggage and ran to the boat. She sat down and started to cry.


She brought the white ninja star back to her room. Until she saw Kai.

"Hey Kala." He said

"Oh, it's you again." Kala turn head to her door room where her team is sleeping. "What do you want."

"I want to say I'm sorry about yesterday." Said Kai.

"Fine, apology excepted."

"So we're cool now?"

"Not that much."

"Okay, just asking." Kai left.

Kala look at the white ninja star. "I'll find that monster, and I will kill him."

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