A Ninja Magician

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Play Power Ranger Ninja steel opening

It start with a mysterious ninja star going to earth and dark ninjas appear in shadows.

(GO! GO! POWER RANGERS NINJA STEEL) Shows Shade Academy with ninja star on top of it.

(Crushing evil with all their might together, Ninja Steel) Show Kai and his team. Shows Nick and his team.

(Never give up without a fight together, Ninja Steel) Show Kit and his team. Show Kala and her Team. Show Nya and her team.

(Ninja Rangers, free from danger!) Mick and Redbot in the school office.

(GO GO POWER RANGER X2! GO!) Kai,Nick,Kit,Kala, and Nya spin their stars on their morpher and transform into ninja steel rangers.

(Standing up for what is right together, Ninja Steel) The Ninja Rangers fight the Basher ninjas.

(Watching out at day or night together, Ninja Steel) Galvanax and his army grows.

(Ninja Rangers, free from danger!) The Rangers Summon their zords

(GO GO POWER RANGER X2! GO! Ninja Steel) Their Zords start to combined to a megazord as the ninja ranger turns.

(GO! GO! POWER RANGERS NINJA STEEL) The white ninja steel shoot with the her morpher in bow mode. The red ninja steel slash his enemies. The Pink Ninja steel burn her enemies with her sword. The blue ninja steel made a water shield. The yellow ninja steel Claw his enemies with his morpher in claw mode.

(GO GO POWER RANGER X2! GO! Ninja Steel) The spin their ninja star on their sword. The ninja steel rangers jump up and throw their ninja stars and show the title.

Kit was in his room doing a trick in front of his teammates, Mark,Cat, and Moon. They form team MCKM. Kit was a magician. His family own a circus to entertain people. Kit was showing a scarf trick were he pull a scarf from his left sleeve. Out came was color full rainbow. His team wasn't impress though.

"Come on guys, that was good." Said Kit

"No it wasn't." Said Mark. "And as your team leader I suggest you do something else other then little kids tick."

"But I work hard on it. Do you know how hard it is to fit many scarf in your sleeve."

"Your just complaining." Said Cat.

"Watch I'll try harder next time okay? Its my job to entertain people."

"In a circus yes, but in here no." Said Moon. Plus if you want to entertain people why are you here and not in a circus.

"I have reason."

"And what is that reason?" Mark stare at him suspiciously. So did Cat and Moon.

"Well let just say I do" Kit walk out and slam the door. He walks where there was a cheer. He sat down and starts to think about his family. From his right pocket he pulls out a blue ninja star. He start to think on the day be for the performance.

The day before the performance start

"Kit, are you ready?" Said his dad

"Dad I'm not sure if I'm going out there wearing this ridiculous." Said Kit

"Well son, you have to look like a magician in order to be a magician." Kit walk out of the change room. He wear a blue magician outfit and a blue top hat.

"Why do I have to wear it dad?" Kit ask.

"Because, blue looks good on you. Plus, I thought it time for you to have this." His pulls out the blue ninja star and gave it to him. "If something were bad to happen, I want you to take care of this and never let anyone take it. I trust you in this okay." Kit shock his head. "Good boy." But as his father said that a huge explosion came from the stage.

There were screaming then joy. Fire came out the stage, and dark ninjas came.

"We have to go now!" Kit father grab his sword and went to the change room.

Kit meanwhile saw flames behind him. He was scare and worry.

"Lets go!" Kit's father came out of the change room. He was wearing a ninja out fit.

Kit and his father until a monster stop them.

"Give me the power star and I'll spear your life!" Said the monster.

"You have to take it from me Galvanax." Kit's father pull out his sword and was ready for battle. "Kit, leave now.

"What, but dad-"

"He'll come after you next if you don't leave, now go." Kit ran. "I'll keep him away from you."

"Foolish old man, saving your child then yourself uh?" Said the monster.

"I will never let a monster like you touch my son."

Kit ran and ran as fast as he can. He look back only to see his father on the ground defeated. The monster stab his father and look at Kit, which gave Kit the courage to run faster.


"Dad, why, why protect me and not yourself" Kit ask as he stare at the blue star.

"Hey Kit." Kit heard Kai voice. He put the blue star in his pocket just in time.

"Hey Kai!" Said Kit as he was nervous nervous to anything else.

"Kit I wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday when we first met." Said Kai.

"Sure, no problem Kai." Said Kit.

"Why are you dress like that?"

"Oh, I'm a magician. I make tricks. Well at least little kids tricks. Or at least that what my team thinks."

"Don't let it bother you okay. We all have some things where we do and do not."

"Yeah, I guess your right." Kai left and Kit pull out the blue ninja star again. "Someday I'll find that monster and I'll stop him." he told himself as he went back to his room.

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