AUTHORS NOTE...btw im the author:)

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This isn't a chapter but i was just wondering.. is anyone really reading this? please read this and get your friends and all those awesome peoplezz to read this master piece..




By kidding i ment as in this being a master piece, it really isn't.


But um..yeh? Let me know if your actually reading this and do the basics...




Well thats if you want to..or if you don't..


im watching you..






Did i scare yah? HAHAHAHA..i broke a pencil in half - do it the tommo way;)

ohh yeh and if you havent noticed yet, i LOVE 1D (AKA One Direction, if you don't know them then..GET STALKING) and Louis' is may favourite..and 'Tomlinson' isn't my real last name..yet;)




LOVE YOU GUYS...sorry just had to be said..

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