Chapter Fifty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Oh, you must go to the gardens. It's lovely up there. If you find a spot out of the wind, that is. I found a lovely spot up there yesterday and had an afternoon nap, away from..." here he lowered his voice... " 'The Dragon'."

Clare laughed with him and they went their separate ways.

They went outside and crossed the road, which was as usual busy with cars and coaches. Once more, they stood at the railings overlooking the sea. The sea was more choppy and the breeze much stronger, but the sun shone brightly.

"I wish people wouldn't do that." said Alan.

"What do you mean?" asked Clare, brushing a strand of hair from her face.

"Say derogatory things about their wives, or husbands. I don't like it at all."

"He was only joking. I had a long chat with them both the other day. They've been married for fifty years and have come away for a holiday to celebrate. Their family is holding a party for them next week. His wife is really lovely. I took to her straight away."

Alan shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, I still don't like it. It's not my sort of humour at all. Make fun of a situation, yourself, but not others and definitely not your husband or wife."

"She's used to him, she doesn't mind. He's very nice with her, actually. I can tell they really love one another. It's very sweet, after all of these years." Clare paused then said,

"Hey, you called Marie a sour puss, so you're just as bad."

"Ah, but she is not my wife any longer is she now?" he said wagging his finger.

Alan grabbed Clare's hand and tucked it into his arm and they walked arm in arm along the sea front and started to climb the hill to the Connaught Gardens on the top of the cliff. The wind was stronger the further up the hill they went, so they decided to go straight into the gardens rather than walk to the top.

They climbed up a set of steps, into the well kept gardens, which were sheltered a little from the strong wind. A variety of blue plants and red and white geraniums were planted either side of the paths. There were shrubs and trees too; it was all very pretty. A crossroads, with three paths lay before them. One went straight on and the others to the left and right. They walked straight on, still arm in arm and coming to a bench, Alan steered them towards it and sat down. He took Clare's hands in his and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Now, tell me Mrs Porter do you think that I should go to a dating agency to find the love of my life?" Alan had no idea whey he'd said this, but it just came out. He didn't know how she would reply, but was surprised when she leapt up from the bench and ran away from him, down the path, laughing as she went.

A very strange feeling came over him as he watched her running away and he jumped up and ran after her. He grabbed her arm and swung her gently back towards him and...NOW was the had come at last.

"You, are the love of my life Clare, you. It could only ever be you."

Bringing her into his arms, he kissed her. She returned the kiss and their feet left the ground and they soared upwards, together, past Cloud 9 and up and up until they reached Cloud 15. Clare's arms were around his waist under his open jacket and he could feel her warm body pressed against his. Together they fell slowly to the ground. He felt breathless.

Clare moved away and ran along the path still laughing. He followed behind her and caught up just as she reached a wall. It was the end of the gardens and a gorgeous view of Sidmouth and the beach lay before them, at least sixty feet below, bathed in sunshine.

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