Chapter Seventy Three

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Alan woke up early on Saturday morning, made himself a cup of tea and went back to bed. He heard the phone ring and had to get up again to take the call.

"Harding speaking."

"You sound very formal, Alan. Forgot you weren't in the office did you?  It's Kathy."

"Hello Kathy, it becomes a habit."

"I'm sorry to bother you Alan, but I just wanted to talk to you. Are there any developments between you and Clare?"

"I'm afraid not. There's no sign that she'll change her mind." Alan replied. "But, I've decided what to do. I'm leaving her in peace. I'm going to put my apartment on the market and live with Philip for a while. I can then bond with his new family. I'm giving in my notice with Dixon's as well. Bob isn't happy, but I don't see what else I can do."

"I suppose you have to do something," said Kathy "but it seems a bit dramatic."

Alan spent some time talking with Kathy and when he finally put the phone down he realised Mel, his cleaning lady was coming this morning. He hurried into the bathroom, washed and dressed, then had a quick breakfast.

The door bell sounded and there was Mel. She was a woman in her early fifties who worked hard and was very reliable. Alan liked her.

"Hello Alan, I'm so sorry to hear about you and Clare. It's made me feel so sad. You looked so lovely together, quite the match."

Alan sighed. "That's life. That's the way it goes."

Mel set about dusting, vacuuming and she put his washing into the machine. Later, he would take it out and put it through the dryer. Mel had showed him how. They had a nice system going and it was working well for them both.

When they sat for Mel's coffee break at the kitchen table, Mel began to talk.

"You know Charles Wheeler, don't you Alan? He lives below you doesn't he?  What sort of man is he? I think he's really nice, but I wanted to know your opinion, it's sort of helpful."

"Charles? Why do you ask?"

"Well, we've been seeing one another for some time and he's asked me to go away with him for a 'romantic' weekend. Do you think I'm too old for that?  I was a bit taken aback when he asked me. Do you think I should go?"

"Charles is a good neighbour." Alan replied. "He's been very helpful to me. I'd say he's a very dependable man with principles. I like his sense of humour too. Well, Mel..." he stopped here as they both laughed at his words.  "I would say...go for it."

Mel reached across the table the touched Alan's hand.  "I know I'm a silly old fool, but there was no one else to ask and I really respect you Alan. You're a super young man. And it seems, that I, Melanie Harper will be off for one very dirty weekend!" and she laughed heartily.

Alan sighed, inwardly. Everyone he knew had someone, even Kathy and Mel who were older, had found someone to love. But for him? There appeared to be no hope. No hope at all...

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