"One on one?" Shawn asked me as he bounced the ball.

"One on one?" Lookin' up at Shawn, Sophie questioned.

"Me and BB playin' against each other."

"Oooooh! I wanna see dat." She sat down in her chair.

"Gimme the ball." I demanded.

"Say please." Shawn said.

"You gotla sat please first, BB." Sophie told me.

I giggled then looked at Shawn. "Now."

"You betta give BB da ball, Big Head. Her gonna beat ya butt!" I laughed at Sophie.

"Only because Sophie said so." Shawn passed me the ball.

"BB, betta win him."

"I will." I said for a matter of fact. Shawn is not better than me. He will be better than me. He couldn't be better than me on my "bad" days. He tries to be but he never succeeds.

"You're not." Big Head said as I dribbled the ball. He didn't put up any defense so, I just shot the ball.

"Why you cheatin'?" He asked.

"No sheatin', BB! Dat not nice."

"It's not my fault that you just stood there." I shot the ball and made it.

"BB, is you winnin'?"

"Because she's cheatin'." Big Head said.

"No her didn't." Sophie replied. "Go, Big Head. You dust gotla get some points!" I got to nine points before I missed a shot.

"Go, Big Head! Go! Go!" Sophie cheered as Shawn got the rebound.

"Whose side are you on?" I asked laughin'.

She shrugged. "I dunno. Keep goin'!"

"Hey, hey, heeeey." I heard a familiar voice. I looked over to see Kerry to walkin' towards us.

"Hi." I greeted her wit' a smile.

"Hey, how are you sweetie?" She pulled me into a hug.

"I'm doin' really good. How are you?" I asked once we let go of the hug.

"I'm great. It's so nice to see you. Hi, Sophie." She looked down at Sophie as got up from her seat. She walked over to me and held her hands up.

"Hi." Sophie greeted shyly then laid her head laid on my shoulder.

"How are you, little lady?" Kerry asked.

"Good." Sophie turned her head away from Kerry. She's really shy.

"How's your sister?" Kerry asked me.

"She's good. Annoyin', but she's good."

"That's good. I heard you've visiting a lot lately." Kerry said.

"Yeah. I'll be movin into my dorm next week, so I want to see her as much I can."

"Aaaw really? USC, right?" I smiled.

"Nope, they rejected me. I'm goin' to UCLA."

Kerry laughed pretty hard. "You don't want me so I'll go to the enemy and beat you."

"Exactly." I laughed.

"That's really good. Congrats, girl!"

"Thank you."

"What about you?" Kerry looked Shawn.

"UCLA, too."

"Woow! Look at you two." She smiled brightly. "That's wonderful. Career goals?"

Runaway Love[Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora